




1.颁奖 ... 20:25 女子单人滑-短节目 Ladies–Short Program 21:20 颁奖 Prize Award (周五) Friday,Nov. 12 15…

2.奖励的物品 ... [ praised words ] 称赞的话 [ prize award ] 奖励的物品 ① 同本义[ beautiful fine good] ...

3.银牌奬award+%e9%93%b6%e7%89%8c%e5%a5%ac&FORM=BDVT01&cc=cn" h="ID=Dictionary,5130.1">基于 1 个网页


1.In this case, Chinesepterature go beyond the need for a landmark Booker Prize award.在这种情况下,汉语文学创作需要有一个超越布克奖的标志性大奖。

2.President Obama donated $125, 000 from his Nobel Peace Prize award to the Posse Foundation in March 2010.2010年3月,奥巴马总统将他的诺贝尔和平奖奖金中的125,000美元捐赠给波赛基金会。

3.The Iranian human rights lawyer , Shirin Ebadi , picks up her Nobel Peace Prize award today .伊朗人权律师希林.伊巴迪今天接受了她的“诺贝尔和平奖”。

4.Fears they would attend the Nobel peace prize award ceremony in Norway.当局担心他们出席在挪威举行的诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼。

5.Q: On 10 December, the Norwegian Nobel Committee held this year's Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo.问:12月10日,挪威诺贝尔委员会在奥斯陆举行了今年度诺贝尔和平奖颁奖仪式。

6."I will attend the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony with pleasure, " the spokesman quoted Kim as saying.该发言人引述金大中的话表示︰「我很荣幸能出席诺贝尔和平奖的颁奖典礼。」。

7.The President also donated his $1. 4 milpon Nobel Peace Prize award to 10 different charities.奥巴马还将其所获得的140万美元(90万英镑)的诺贝尔和平奖奖金捐给了10家慈善机构。

8.Last year we have hard this year, this struggle prize award for an extension to be but only and perfect.去年我们就有拼搏奖的,今年这个拼搏奖只不外是一个延续和完善。

9.US President Barack Obama takes a peek at his medal during the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony at City Hall in Oslo, Norway美国总统奥巴马在挪威奥斯陆市政厅举行的诺贝尔和平奖颁奖礼上偷瞄他所获得的奖章

10.Secretary-General remarks to the staff of the United Nations on the Nobe Peace Prize Award联合国秘书长安南就诺贝尔和平奖向全体联合国职员发表评论