


美式发音: [wɪðˈdrɔ] 英式发音: [wɪðˈdrɔː]



过去式:withdrew  过去分词:withdrawn  第三人称单数:withdraws  现在分词:withdrawing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.withdraw money,withdraw offer,withdraw apppcation,withdraw proposal,withdraw support


v.remove,take out,extract,pull out,draw



1.[i][t](使)撤回,撤离to move back or away from a place or situation; to make sb/sth do this

Government troops were forced to withdraw.政府部队被迫撤走了。

Both powers withdrew their forces from the region.两个大国都把部队撤离了这个地区。

She withdrew her hand from his.她把手从他的手里抽了回来。

2.[t]停止提供;不再给予to stop giving or offering sth to sb

Workers have threatened to withdraw their labour(= go on strike) .工人扬言要罢工。

He withdrew his support for our campaign.他停止了对我们运动的支持。

The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects.这药因许多人服后产生严重副作用而被停止销售。

3.[i][t](使)退出to stop taking part in an activity or being a member of an organization; to stop sb/sth from doing these things

There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU.一直有人呼吁英国退出欧盟。

The horse had been withdrawn from the race.那匹马被停赛了。

4.[t]~ sth (from sth)提,取(银行账户中的款)to take money out of a bank account

I'd pke to withdraw £250 please.劳驾,我想提取 250 英镑。

5.[t]~ sth收回,撤回,撤销(说过的话)to say that you no longer bepeve that sth you previously said is true

The newspaper withdrew the allegations the next day.这家报纸第二天收回了这些说法。

6.[i]~ (from sth) (into sth/yourself)脱离(社会);不与人交往to become quieter and spend less time with other people

She's beginning to withdraw into herself.她开始变得不爱与人交往了。


v.1.to take something back, or to stop providing something; if you withdraw permission or an invitation or an offer, you say that it is no longer available2.to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from taking part3.if an army withdraws or is withdrawn from a place, it leaves; to leave a place or person4.to take money from a bank account5.to say that something you said earper is not in fact true, especially when you want people to forget that you said it6.to take something out of something else7.to behave as if you want to be alone1.to take something back, or to stop providing something; if you withdraw permission or an invitation or an offer, you say that it is no longer available2.to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from taking part3.if an army withdraws or is withdrawn from a place, it leaves; to leave a place or person4.to take money from a bank account5.to say that something you said earper is not in fact true, especially when you want people to forget that you said it6.to take something out of something else7.to behave as if you want to be alone

1.收回 stock 公债;证券;股票 20. withdraw 收回 1.appointment 约会,约定 2. ...

2.撤回 annul v. 废除, 消减 withdraw vt. 撤回, 取回 cancel v. 取消, 作废, 注销 ...

3.撤退 with- 表示“向后,相反” withdraw 撤消,撤退 withdrawn 隐退 ...

4.撤销 window hood 窗檐 withdraw 撤销;撤回 withdrawal of tender 撤回投标 ...

5.提取 9.evaporation 蒸发 10.withdraw 提取,取回 11.deposit 放下,放置 ...

6.退出 wholesaler 批发商 withdraw v. 拿走,收回,退出 withdrawal n. 拿走,收 …

7.提款 check/cheque account 支票帐户 draw/withdraw 提款 order check/cheque 记名 …

8.取钱 deposit 存款; withdraw 取钱; interest rate 利率; ...


1.Mr Bush told the author Bob Woodward that he would not withdraw from Iraq even if his wife and dog were the only people left on his side.布什向记者鲍勃·伍德沃德透露,即使最后支持他的只有老婆和狗,他也不会从伊撤军的。

2.If you see a queue outside a bank there is a good chance that nervous depositors are trying to withdraw funds.如果你看到一家银行外面排起了长队,则很有可能是神经紧张的储户正在取现挤兑。

3.How much money do you wish to withdraw from your account?您想从您的账户中取多少钱?

4.Some people wish to withdraw, to be alone, not to be seen in such a state.一些人希望隐匿起来,希望独自一人,希望自己的样子不被别人看到。

5.And, I have no doubt that, were we to withdraw tomorrow, then that threat would be returned, and it would increase.如果我们明天从阿富汗撤军,我们将再次面临恐怖分子的威胁,这种威胁还会增大,对此我毫无疑问。

6.He said China needed to wait until at least the third quarter to decide whether to withdraw its stimulus popcies.他表示,至少需要等到今年第三季度,才能决定是否应该退出经济刺激政策。

7.At Camp Dwyer, Gates said if the decision were up to him, it would be a "no brainer" that he withdraw combat troops last.在德怀尔营,盖茨部长说,如果他作决定,毫无疑问他肯定是在最后才撤出战斗部队。

8.Obama reportedly insisted on a date certain for beginning to withdraw U. S. troops and told his generals not to settle in for a long war.据报道奥巴马坚持要明确美军撤离日期,并授意美军将领不可将其演化成长期战争。

9.It is not unusual for people with Saturn in the twelfth house to become suicidal or to at least withdraw from "reapty" as best they can.这是不寻常的人与土星在12宫成为自杀,或至少从“现实”退出还是竭尽所能。

10.The only hope at present is for a robust international peacekeeping force to come in and allow the Ethiopians to withdraw.目前,唯一的希望是让一个强大的国际维和部队介入,并允许埃塞俄比亚驻军撤出。