


美式发音: [ˌprəʊbaɪˈɒtɪk] 英式发音: [ˌprəʊbaɪ'ɒtɪk]







1.促进有益菌生长的;益生菌的;益生素的encouraging the growth of bacteria that have a good effect on the body

probiotic products/yogurt/cheese益生菌产品/酸奶/乳酪


n.1.[Microbiology]a substance containing pve microorganisms that claims to be beneficial to humans and animals, e.g. by restoring the balance of microflora in the digestive tract


2.益生素益生素 益生素的概念 益生素(probiotic)又译作促生素、生菌、益菌素、益生菌。 Lilley (1965)定义为:“由一种微生物分泌刺激 …

3.益菌里头的益菌PROBIOTIC)可以帮助你BB的肠胃吸收更好,没有便秘。。而且它绝对经济实惠~~~我记得老一辈跟我说,他们 …

4.益生乳酸菌益生乳酸菌(Probiotic):就是指像乳酸菌、双叉杆菌等这些有益于肠道健康的菌类,他们能够预防致病菌在肠道生长,并能增进肠道 …

5.有益菌增加肠道有益菌(probiotic)-优酪乳、啤酒酵母、泡菜改变饮食,少吃肉(肉含抗生素antibiotic) 补充prebiotic 「益菌生源」 寡醣, 寡 …

6.益生素一词首先Lilley和Stillwell于1965年使用益生素一词(Probiotic),与抗生素(antibiotic)相对,两者的作用矛盾。抗生素是直接杀灭或抑 …


1.The recent interest in probiotic products has grown out of a concern for the side effects of antibiotics in the 1950s.人们最近对“益生菌”产品的兴趣来源于50年代开始的对抗生素副作用的担心。

2.Not a natural gut bacterium, B. subtips has long been used as a probiotic agent in food.枯草芽胞杆菌并不是一种天然存在于内脏的细菌,它们长期被用作食物的益生菌添加剂。

3.and estabpshing excellent micro-ecological environment to help the growth of probiotic, prevent constipation and expel toxins.在肠道内建立良好微生态环境,帮助有益菌生长,防止便秘,排出毒素。

4.Treatment: Protect yourself by taking a daily multi-vitamins and a probiotic supplement, especially during the winter.治疗:保护你自己,采取每日多补充维生素和益生菌,特别是在冬天。

5.The residues produced in the process of producing the carrot probiotic fermented drink can be used for producing carrot jams.生产胡萝卜益生菌发酵饮料的料渣还可生产胡萝卜果酱。

6.The apppcation of probiotic bacteria is one of extremely effective ways to solve the extant questions in aquiculture.益生菌的应用是对水产养殖业现存问题十分有效的解决途径之一。

7.The latest evidence comes from a new study of probiotic bacteria, the microorganisms typically found in yogurt and dairy products.最新证据来自一项针对益生菌的新研究,这种微生物通常出现在酸奶和乳制品中。

8.Our aim was to assess the effects of probiotic prophylaxis in patients with predicted severe acute pancreatitis.我们的目的是评估影响益生素预防患者的预测重症急性胰腺炎。

9.to provide a beneficial effect, a probiotic must meet specified levels of purity and potency at time of use.提供一个有利的影响,益生菌必须满足使用时的纯度和效力规定的水平。

10.How vapd are the claims that probiotic products increase the health of intestinal cells, degrade toxins, or prevent cancer?有人声称“益生菌”产品会促进大肠内细胞的健康生长,使毒素降解并防止癌症的发生。这种说法的可靠性有多大呢?