


美式发音: [ˌprɑdəkˈtɪvəti] 英式发音: [ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvəti]




v.+n.increase productivity,improve productivity,raise productivity,boost productivity




1.生产率;生产效率the rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them

high/improved/increased productivity高的╱提高了的╱增长了的生产率

Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。


n.1.the rate at which goods are produced, especially in relation to the time, money, and workers needed to produce them

1.生产力 productive a 生产的;多产的 productivity n 生产力,生产活动 reduce v 降低,减少 ...

2.生产率 货币供应 money supply 生产率 productivity 劳动力 labor force ...

3.生产能力 alternative 取舍,抉择 productivity 生产能力,生产率 resitivity 抵抗力,抵抗性 ...

4.生产效率 productive a. 生产的;出产…的 productivity n. 生产率;多产 proficiency n. 熟练,精通 ...

6.生产性其有形成果表现於生产性 (Productivity)、品质 (Qua1ity)、成本(Cost)、交期(DeIivery)、安全环境卫生(Safety)及士气(…


1.The point was that any increase in productivity required a corresponding increase in the number of consumers capable of buying the product.重要的是,生产率的提高都需要具有购买力的消费者数量相应地提高。

2.So, putting all this together, what really happened was the productivity of our staff was significantly higher than anyone else.所以,总而言之,事实是我们员工的生产效率比任何人都要高出很多。

3.With its reform and open-up to the world, China has subtly seen the need to turn the hi-tech into productivity.进入改革开放时代的中国,敏锐地看到了科技的力量和科技成果转化为生产力的必要性。

4.There is no doubt that many people use it to pass the time in their day. Yet, when used for good, it can be a powerful productivity tool.毫无疑问,许多人是用社交媒体来打发时间。然而,如果使用得当,它可以成为提高效率的强大工具。

5.Trend of corn yield approximately agreed with the productivity index, and there was a positive relationship between them.玉米产量与生产力指数变化趋势基本一致,为一正相关关系。

6.However, he said the the education of the workforce was essential if the trend of stronger productivity growth was to continue.不过他表示,如果想让更强劲的生产率增长趋势持续下去,对劳动力的教育至关重要。

7.You set your own boundaries, so don't even think about trying to blame others for your lack of productivity.你要设置你自己的界限,以至于不会在效率低责备别人。

8.Ever since Josiah Wedgwood invented marketing a few centuries ago, it has been used to increase productivity and wealth.自从乔西亚韦齐伍德在几个世纪前发明了营销,它便一直用以增加生产力和财富。法使肥胖可接受来多赚几块钱是邪恶的。

9.Recycled food organics are composted to produce a valuable soil conditioner product to improve the health and productivity of our soils.回收食物中的有机物可以形成有效的土壤调节产物,改善土壤的养分和生产力。

10.Rather than measuring only individual productivity, you instead need to measure how much value an individual provides to the team.与其只测量个人的生产力,不如度量个人向团队提供的价值有多少。