




1.普罗富莫新闻,后来一直被引为样板:第一条是关于一位政府部长普罗富莫(Profumo)、一位俄国特工和一位应召女郎之间的三角关系 …

2.碧丽莎的情人 歌剧院 Opera 碧丽莎的情人 Profumo 祖鲁人沙卡 Shaka Zulu ...

3.气味 欢沁 Pleasures 气味 Profumo 欢沁花语 Pleasures Bloom ...


1.The deal, due to be approved in July, will propel Mr Profumo to leadership of one of the ten largest banks in the world.此次交易拟于七月获批,这会助普罗富莫先生一跃成为世界十大银行的领导之一。

2.Mr Profumo may have been erased; hopefully the same will not happen to his legacy.普罗夫莫先生可能已经被抛弃,希望他的遗产不会面临相同的命运。

3.Dieter Rampl, the German chairman with whom Mr Profumo's relations had soured, will for now take charge.普罗夫莫先生和德国籍董事长迪尔特•兰布尔的关系已经恶化,而迪尔特•兰布尔将暂时掌权。

4.Was he thinking of the scandals generated by the Profumo Affair?他有没有想到普罗富莫情事引来的丑闻呢?

5.Mr Profumo is pkely to get plenty of job offers outside Italy.普罗夫莫先生可能会收到很多意大利境外的工作邀请。

6.Three days after Mr Profumo confessed and resigned, Stephen Ward was arrested.在普罗富莫先生供认并辞职三天后,斯蒂芬·沃被捕了。

7.I want to put the more shamefaced and remorseful of them to work, Profumo style.我希望让其中那些更感到羞耻和懊悔的人们发挥作用,这是普罗富莫(Profumo)风格。

8.(This is what might be called the Profumo Problem. )(Profumo事件可以对此做很好的解释。)