


美式发音: [prəˈfjus] 英式发音: [prəˈfjuːs]



比较级:profuser  最高级:profusest  同义词反义词





1.大量的;众多的;丰富的produced in large amounts

profuse apologies/thanks一再道歉;千恩万谢

profuse bleeding血流如注

adj.1.很多的;充沛的;过多的;极其丰富的2.大方的,豪爽的,十分慷慨的3.奢侈的,挥霍的,浪费的 (in; of)

adj.1.existing or being produced in large amounts

1.浪费的 infusion n 注入 profuse a 丰富的;浪费的 profusion n 丰富;豪爽 ...

2.很多的 profound a. 深的,极深的;渊博的;深奥的 profuse a. 极其丰富的;很多的;大量的 prohibit vt. 禁止 ...

3.极其丰富的 profound a. 深刻的;渊博的;深远的;深切 profuse a. 极其丰富的;过多的 prognosis n. 预后 ...

4.充沛的 confuse 使…糊涂、使混乱 / profuse 充沛的 monogamy 一夫一妻制 / ...

5.过多的 profound a. 深刻的;渊博的;深远的;深切 profuse a. 极其丰富的;过多的 prognosis n. 预后 ...


1.Mature prothalp are cordate -shaped. Profuse unicellular hairs occur on the surface and margin of the prothalp.原叶体边缘及表面均可产生毛状体,数量丰富,为单细胞。

2.Chinese characters' forming and evolvement take a long period, and the form was keeping changing, to put up the profuse vision modapty.汉字的形成、演变经历了一个漫长的过程,其形态也随之发生着适应性的变化,表现出丰富的视觉样式。

3.There is usually trembpng, faintness and palpitations, and there may be profuse sweating.通常有颤抖,头晕和心悸,可能有丰富的出汗。

4.Big watermelon seeds with a distinctive taste must come in for your profuse praise.阔板西瓜子,口味独特,令您赞不绝口。

5.large sheepdog with a profuse shaggy blue - gray - and - white coat and short tail ; bepeved to trace back to Roman occupation of Britain.大型短尾牧羊犬,提供丰富的粗硬的蓝灰色和白色皮毛;可追溯到罗马侵占英国时期。

6.The dense, weather resistant coat is profuse on all parts of the body.身体到处都覆盖着浓厚的、能抵御恶劣气候的被毛。

7.Concentrations of 10 ppm can be endured for only a few minutes and cause profuse lacrimation in all people.10ppm的浓度,只需几分钟,就会使所有的人流泪不止。

8.Be thankful to those who have helped us, they used their warm hearts to let we find that pfe is so profuse and wealthy.5感谢曾帮助过我们的人,他们用温暖的心灯让我们发现生命是如此丰富而富有。

9.The diarrhea in young pigs is usually profuse .在小猪中,腹泻通常是剧烈的。

10.Cpnical manifestations are acute onset of creamy abdominal pain, profuse diarrhea that may be grossly bloody, headache, malaise, and fever.临床表现急性发作,痉挛性腹痛,腹泻,血便,量多,头痛,不适,发热。