


美式发音: [ˈtʌtʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['tʌtʃɪŋ]






prep.as touching



1.令人同情的;感人的;动人的causing feepngs of pity or sympathy; making you feel emotional

It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears.那是一个让我们许多人落泪的动人故事。




adj.1.making you feel emotional or sympathetic, for example by being sad

prep.1.relating to something

v.1.The present participle of touch

1.动人的 therapy n. 治疗; 疗法 touching a. 动人的, 使人感伤的 unconditional a. 无条件的 ...

2.感人的 threaten 威胁 252. touching 感人的 253. tourist 游客 254. ...

3.触摸 standpoint 观点 touching 令人感动的 shabby 不公平的 ...

5.接触 sources 资源 touching 接触 Greece 希腊 ...


1.She held one hand to her forehead, and bending slowly, she reached out with her free arm, nearly touching a dark mass lying in the road.她一手捂着额头,慢慢地弯下身子,伸出另一只是胳膊,摸向躺在路上的一团黑色的东西。

2.Make it a habit of trading contact information with everyone you meet, then touching base every so often.试着与你遇见的每一个人去交换信息,并且时不时地保持着联系,并且养成习惯。

3.It was touching to see such a crowd prostrate in disarray on the ground and the High Priest in great anguish.看见群众一起伏地哀求,与大司祭的焦心不安,委实令人可怜。

4.By this time, the aisles were filled with ushers, and he gave a very touching tribute.那时,走道上都挤满了服务人员,他讲了一段感人的致谢词。

5.Rowan spat in his face. Then she let him go and wiped her gloved hands on her legs, as if just touching him had soiled her.罗文扇了他一巴掌。接着她放开了他,用带着手套的手擦了擦腿,好像碰他是一种玷污一样。

6.Note: Avoid touching the eye and keep away from children. Consult a doctor immediately in case of any sign of uneasiness .注意事项:避免触及眼睛及儿童,若有不适请即就医。

7.Really mastering the subtleties of touching is one of the best ways to really explode a woman's ideas of just how amazing sex can be.真正的掌握爱抚的微妙之处可以爆炸式的改变女人的观念,让她们知道性爱可以有多么的奇妙,这是最好的方法之一。

8.She didn't seem to mind touching her mother's cold flesh-- she was too young to have learned to shudder at the touch of death.清照似乎并不在意触碰母亲冰冷的肉躯——她太小,还不会在死亡面前感到战栗。

9.We have always been deeply moved and filled with admiration to hear the touching stories of our fellow citizens overcoming adversity.每当我们听到港人逆境自强的动人故事,都会深为感动,而且由衷敬佩。

10.It was touching for him to ask me to be there.他请我去我很感动。