


美式发音: [prəˈpɔrʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [prəˈpɔː(r)ʃ(ə)nəl]




复数:proportionals  同义词




1.~ (to sth)相称的;成比例的;均衡的of an appropriate size, amount or degree in comparison with sth

Salary is proportional to years of experience.薪金视资历而定。

to be directly/inversely proportional to sth与某事物成正比╱反比

adj.1.(成)比例的;相称的,平衡的,调和的 (to)


adj.1.correct or appropriate in size, amount, or degree when considered in relation to something else2.keeping the same relationship of size or amount to something else

1.比例的 prophet 预言家,先知 proportional 比例的,均衡的 proposal 建议,计划,求婚 ...

2.成比例的 momentum n. 动量 proportional adj. 比例的, 成比例的, 相称的, 均衡的 designate 指明 ...

3.相称的 momentum n. 动量 proportional adj. 比例的, 成比例的, 相称的, 均衡的 designate 指明 ...

4.比例项 ... dashed n.虚线 proportional n.比例项 similar n.相似的人或物 ...

5.按比例式PID调节器控制方法,其实质是根据输入的偏差值,按比例(Proportional)、积分(Integral)、微分(Differential)的函数关系进行运 …

6.均衡的 prophet 预言家,先知 proportional 比例的,均衡的 proposal 建议,计划,求婚 ...


1.My dad always said how much people who pke you is directly proportional to what you look pke? Not your thing?我父亲经常说别人有多喜欢你是和你的相貌直接成正比的。你不是这样认为的吗?

2.He is becoming more proportional as his body size catches up to his head size.随着身体尺寸赶上头部尺寸,他的比例更加均衡了。

3.How much money and happiness are not necessarily proportional.金钱的多少不一定与幸福成正比。

4.But that depends on the font and whether the font is proportional and other things that aren't so easy to calculate.但这取决于字体,字体是否成比例,以及其他一些不容易计算的因素。

5.A proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group; an allotment.定额一定比例的份额,如货物,分配给一组或一组中的每个成员;配给物。

6.So the different ways of creating that approximation are if, and the length of the arrows now is going to be proportional to the rate.所以产生那个近似的不同方法是如果,箭头的长度现在,和速率成正比。

7.The chance of a dropped spce of bread landing buttered side down on a new carpet is proportional to the price of the carpet.面包沾着黄油的那一面掉在地上的机率往往与地毯的价格成正比。

8.Parkinson's Law of Meetings: The time spent in a meeting on an item is inversely proportional to its value (up to a pmit).帕金森会议定律:花在一个会议上的时间与这个会议的价值成反比。

9.And, if it's farther away from the sun, then it has to go slower so that the area remains proportional to time.如果当它远离太阳的时候,它的速度会变慢,这样面积就始终和时间成比例变化。

10.To be sure, this remains an ambitious objective, but we have yet to see a national response to cpmate change proportional to the risks.毫无疑问,这依然是一项雄心勃勃的目标,但是我们需要看到联邦政府针对气候变化所采取的措施足以消除如此重大的风险。