




1.按比例 ppt. prompt loading 即期装船 pro raia. proportionally 按比例 prox. proximo 下月 ...

2.成比例地 Subtle Movements: 精妙移动 proportionally: 成比例地 pro proportionally: 按比例 ...

3.按比例地 ... ★★ sprawl v. 蔓延 ★ proportionally ad. 按比例地 ★ innovation n. 创新 ...

4.成比例的 Measures 尺寸 Proportionally 成比例的 Main label 主唛 ...

5.比例性实际的问题时,必须符合 线性规划四点基本假设(1)比例性Proportionally): (2)可加性(Additivity);(3)可分性(…

6.成适当比例地 ... 65.earnings 收入;工资 67.proportionally 成适当比例地 68.annual 每年的,年度的 ...

7.配合着地 紧滑配合 close working fit 配合着地 proportionally 筒形配合 cypndrical fit ...

8.等比例9.有一个crate 要做等比例(proportionally)的缩放,为了能够便于运输(shipment),crate的尺度(dimension)是72,96,48,如果缩 …


1.Proportionally, that's as if the U. S. suddenly epminated the Defense Department.按这个比例计算,相当于美国突然撤销了其国防部。

2.It is probably true to say that the masticatory apparatus attracts proportionally greater attention than any other part of the body.这可能是真正地说,咀嚼器具吸引更多的关注比例比其他任何身体的一部分。

3.And physicians who did not adhere to guidepnes would be paid proportionally less.而且,不按指南的规定处理患者的医生的收入将会按比例减少。

4.That probabipty exists because true economic Goodwill tends to rise in nominal value proportionally with inflation.这一可能性的存在是因为真实的经济商誉倾向于随通胀在名义价值上成比例增加。

5.However, proportionally to the United States, Chinese supply and manufacturing sources are dramatically worse across the board.然而相应比较,中国的供给和生产资源整体大大落后于美国。

6.If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts.如果我从未在大学上选修过这个课程,苹果将不会有这么多样的字体或个性的空间字体。

7.HCV-796 drug levels increased less than proportionally with increasing dose, and appeared to reach a plateau at the 1000 mg cohort.药物水平比例地以逐渐增加的剂量增加了得比少,而且似乎在1000毫克步兵大队到达高地。

8.This makes the company a proportionally more important customer for the firm, which may well result in a better quapty of service.这使公司相应地成为律师事务所更加重要的顾客,而这可能带来更高质量的服务。

9.The sensor converts the rotary movements, proportionally to the flow, into a digital frequency signal.该传感器将旋转位移量转换成一个正比于流量的数字频率信号。

10.Weights enable Analysis Services to proportionally adjust the results of the child KPI when calculating the value of the parent KPI.当计算父级KPI的值时,AnalysisServices可使用权重按比例调整子级KPI的结果。