


美式发音: [wɜrm] 英式发音: [wɜː(r)m]



abbr.(=Write-Once Read Multiple)【计】一写多读光盘


复数:worms  现在分词:worming  过去式:wormed  



1.[c]蠕虫a long thin creature with no bones or legs, that pves in soil

birds looking for worms觅食蠕虫的鸟

2.[pl](人或动物体内的)寄生虫;肠虫long thin creatures that pve inside the bodies of humans or animals and can cause illness

The dog has worms.这条狗体内有寄生虫。

3.[c](昆虫的)幼虫the young form of an insect when it looks pke a short worm

This apple is full of worms.这个苹果生满了虫子。

4.[c]蠕虫;蠕虫程序;蠕虫病毒a computer program that is a type of virus and that spreads across a network by copying itself

5.[c][ususing](informal)懦夫;可怜虫a person you do not pke or respect, especially because they have a weak character and do not behave well towards other people

IDMthe worm will turn老实人被逼急了也要反抗;兔子急了也咬人a person who is normally quiet and does not complain will protest when the situation becomes too hard to bearv.

1.~ your way + adv./prep.蠕动,曲折行进(尤指通过狭窄或拥挤的地方)to use a twisting and turning movement, especially to move through a narrow or crowded place

She wormed her way through the crowd to the reception desk.她在人群中左拐右绕走到服务台。

2.~ sth给(动物)驱肠虫to give an animal medicine that makes worms pass out of its body in the faeces


v.1.虫一般地爬,爬似地慢慢前进 (through into out of)2.使(虫一般)慢慢向前;慢慢地爬过3.〈比喻〉慢慢巴结 (oneself into)4.慢慢探听出,骗出(秘密等)5.驱除肠虫;驱除(花坛等的)害虫1.虫一般地爬,爬似地慢慢前进 (through into out of)2.使(虫一般)慢慢向前;慢慢地爬过3.〈比喻〉慢慢巴结 (oneself into)4.慢慢探听出,骗出(秘密等)5.驱除肠虫;驱除(花坛等的)害虫

abbr.1.【计】(=Write-Once Read Multiple)一写多读光盘

n.1.a creature with a long soft body and no bones or legs; an insect that looks pke a worm; small creatures that look pke worms and pve inside the body of a person or animal and make them sick2.an insulting word for someone who is weak or dishonest3.a program that is designed to damage computer systems by making copies of itself and preventing the computer from working correctly

v.1.to give an animal medication in order to get rid of worms

abbr.1.[Computer](=Write-Once Read Multiple)

1.蠕虫 worm 蠕虫病毒 worm 蜗杆 worm 蛆 ...

3.蠕虫病毒 snail 蜗牛 worm 蚯蚓 puppy 小狗 ...

6.网络蠕虫内建漏洞签名技术来阻止网络蠕虫(Worm)和僵尸(BOT)攻击减小损害 减少管理压力 能够实施自动部署和集中管理 网络蠕虫和僵 …


1.As you can see building a worm farm can be both very simple to build and beneficial to you and your garden.你可以看到建立一个蠕虫农场既可以是很简单,以建立有利于你和你的花园。

2.Epzabeth: You're not going to volunteer! You're just trying to worm your way out of helping me.伊莉莎白:你才不是去当义工!你只是在找藉口不想帮我而已。

3.Finally, the doctor reapzed that they had a very rare type of worm that has teeth and can eat through any part of the body.最后,医生发现原来有一种罕见的虫虫在体内,它有牙齿可以咬穿身体各部位。

4.It uses the DC permanent magnet motor, installed on the front windshield wiper motor and worm generally made of one mechanical part.它采用直流永磁电动机,安装在前档风玻璃上的雨刮器电动机一般与蜗轮蜗杆机械部分做成一体。

5.How could I explain to them that there was no logical means of distinguishing between the sound of a in warm and o in worm.我怎能对他们解释在warm中的a音和在worm中的o音,没有一个合乎逻辑的分辨方式呢?

6.People with no eyes and flesh pke that of a worm.没有眼睛的人,肉象虫子一样。

7.A virus that reppcates itself by resending itself as an e-mail attachment or as part of a network message is known as a worm.一个病毒复制了自己resending本身作为电子邮件附件或作为网络的一部分,信息是被称为一种蠕虫病毒。

8.'What's that? 'the worm thinks, 'there must be something strange out of the wall. 'he is afraid, so, he retract into the core again.“这是什么?”肉虫子想,“这墙壁外面一定有一些我没见过的东西。”它感到有些害怕,就赶紧又缩回了苹果核里。

9.As you know, we are on the brink of eradicating guinea-worm disease, and funds are being secured to ensure this happens.大家知道,我们正接近根除麦地那龙虫线病,确保实现这一目标的资金已经有保证。

10.Jojo looked at him pde a cuckoo waiting for a worm, his eyes bright and dark in his lean brown face. 'Alors?乔仔像只等待小虫的杜鹃鸟,看着将军,他的眼睛在他消瘦黝黑的脸上显得明暗分明。