


美式发音: [prəˈpʌlʃən] 英式发音: [prəˈpʌlʃ(ə)n]



复数:propulsions  同义词

n.force,forward motion,thrust,impulsion,momentum


propulsion显示所有例句n.— see alsopropel

1.推进;推动力the force that drives sth forward

wind/steam/jet propulsion风力╱蒸汽╱喷气推进


n.1.the force that moves or pushes something forward

1.推进 impulsive a 冲动的 propulsion n 推进(力) pulse; 动词: ...

2.推进力 located 位于 向前运动 propulsion 推进力 moving forward 向前运动 ...

3.推进器 propulsion 推进;推力;发动机 propulsion 推进器 propulsion-system clutch 推进装置离合器 ...

4.推力 propulsion 推进 propulsion 推进;推力;发动机 propulsion 推进器 ...

5.动力 权利 power;right;privilege 动力 power;motion;propulsion;force 电源 electric power source ...

6.动力装置 propulsion propeller 螺旋桨 propulsion 推进;推力;动力装置 propulsive gas 喷射推进气 ...

7.推进系统 战斗机 fighter 推进系统 propulsion 民用 civil ...

8.喷射推进 Computational fluid dynamics 计算流体力学 Propulsion 喷射推进 Lecture notes 课程资料 ...


1.This requires guiding into and along the surface (pipe) floats, as well as propulsion and a parking brake.这要求导入和沿着表面(管)漂浮,既需要推力也需要停止闸。

2.This model, however, remains tethered to the ground at all times, as it has not been equipped with a propulsion system.然而这个飞行器一直拴在地面,因为还没有装备推进系统。

3.Since such a lowly satelpte would suffer from atmospheric drag, it would need its own propulsion system and a decent supply of fuel.如此低空飞行的卫星会受到大气层的拖赘,本身需要推进系统和足够的燃料。

4.Moreover, these networks have also been used in a neuromechanical model simulating actual locomotion with propulsion and steering.此外,这些网络模拟还被用于一个神经机械学模型来模拟包含有推进和方向控制部分的真实运动。

5.The test platform will be an important platform used to studying the mechanism and control of the long flexible fin undulatory propulsion.论文研究的测试平台将为柔性长鳍波动推进机理及控制技术研究提供重要试验平台。

6."Propulsion, " the nine-year-old says as he leads his dad through the gates of the U. S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.“推进,”九岁的小男孩一边说,一边带着父亲穿过阿拉巴马亨茨维尔太空火箭中心的大门。

7.A cross over at the front of the stroke tends to cause your elbow to drop, also damaging your catch and hurting your propulsion.身前的划水过中线易于使你的肘部下沉,而且破坏你的抓水和损害你的动力。

8.One of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned.一节火箭两级或多级火箭的推动器,往往前一个推动器被抛弃后下一个才点火发射

9.In a mission status report, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter resumed science operations on Tuesday.按照任务情况报告,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室说,火星勘察轨道飞行器已于周二恢复科学运行。

10."Erosion seems to be slower, " said David Kass, a Mars atmospheric scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Capf.“侵蚀的似乎要慢一些,”来自加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的美国宇航局喷气推进实验室火星大气科学家DavidKass这样认为。