




1.一楼2F)20支灯管不亮(东亚 FL20D)-人社中心一楼学生空间(1F)2支


1.And he said "greenhouse gases are the glaringly obvious explanation" for 0. 56C (1F) warming over the last 50 years.他说:对过去50年0.56摄氏度(1华氏度)的升温,“温室气体是再明显不过的解释”。

2.The field traits of BC1F2 plants with the same chromosome number showed multippcity.有相同染色体数目的BC_1F_2植株田间性状表现出多样性。

3.1F-Group Audiovisual Room: 212 seats for teachers and students to teach and study.一楼团体视听教室,设有212座次,提供师生集合,研习及教学使用。

4.The choice of people in the Admin. Bldg. to evacuate shall be through the south exits on 1F and 2F to the South Gate.行政楼人员疏散的选择是通过一楼和二楼的南面出口到南大门集中点名。

5.We11, no, 1f you don't mind.如果你不介意的话,还是不要这样吧。

6.'Most of the people working at 1F and 2F [Daiichi and Daini] pve in this area, and they are all victims of the disaster, ' the email said.邮件说,多数在福岛一核和二核工作的人员都在这个地区生活,都是这场灾难的受害者。

7.1F Blue Horizon Marina Gold Hotel, 66 Changjiang Xi Lu Huangdao, China长江西路66号蓝海金港大酒店1层

8.Shop 1F-123 Tianjin Hisense Plaza, No. 188 Jiefang North Road, Heping District Tianjin天津市和平区解放北路188号天津海信广场1层123号铺

9.1F North Building of Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu香港中路20号黄金广场北楼1层