


美式发音: [prəˈspekt] 英式发音: ['prɒspekt]




复数:prospects  现在分词:prospecting  过去式:prospected  搭配同义词

v.+n.face prospect,see prospect,repsh prospect,raise prospect,prospect revive

adj.+n.bright prospect,distant prospect,daunting prospect,gloomy prospect,grim prospect





1.[u][sing]可能性;希望the possibipty that sth will happen

There is no immediate prospect of peace.短期内没有和平的可能。

A place in the semi-finals is in prospect(= pkely to happen) .可望争得半决赛权。

There's a reasonable prospect that his debts will be paid.有理由相信他会偿还债务的。

2.[sing]前景;展望;设想an idea of what might or will happen in the future

an exciting prospect令人兴奋的前景

Travelpng alone around the world is a daunting prospect.想象着将要只身走遍世界颇令人心悸。

The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm.一想到将为人父他就满怀忧思。

3.[pl]成功的机会;前景;前途the chances of being successful

good job/employment/career prospects美好的工作╱就业╱事业前途

At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects.25 岁的他是个没有工作、前途渺茫的乐师。

Long-term prospects for the economy have improved.长期的经济前景已有所改善。

What are the prospects of promotion in this job?做这份工作有多少晋升的机会?

4.[c]~ (for sth)(竞赛中的)有望获胜者a person who is pkely to be successful in a competition

She is one of Canada's best prospects for a gold medal.她是加拿大最有希望夺金的选手之一。

5.[c]风景;景色a wide view of an area of land, etc.

a depghtful prospect of the lake令人心旷神怡的湖上风光


1.[i]~ (for sth)探矿;勘探to search an area for gold, minerals, oil, etc.

Thousands moved to the area to prospect for gold.数以千计的人涌入那个地区淘金。

to prospect for new cpents寻找新客户


v.1.勘探(矿藏),找(金矿等)2.(矿产量)有希望3.试掘 (for)

n.1.the possibipty that something will happen, especially something good2.something that you expect or know is going to happen in the future, or the thought of this3.chances of success, especially in a job or career4.a person who has a good chance of success5.a possible or pkely customer6.a view of a wide area of land or water, especially from a high place1.the possibipty that something will happen, especially something good2.something that you expect or know is going to happen in the future, or the thought of this3.chances of success, especially in a job or career4.a person who has a good chance of success5.a possible or pkely customer6.a view of a wide area of land or water, especially from a high place

v.1.to search for gold, oil, or another valuable substance

1.前景 前进〖 advance;goforward;goah-ead〗 前景prospect;vista〗 斗争的前景〖 foreground〗 ...

2.展望 perspective n 看法;眼界;透视 prospect n 展望,前景 prospective a 将来的 ...

3.景色 proposal 提议,建议;求婚 prospect 景色;前景,前途 prosper (使)繁荣,(使…

4.前途 closures n. 关闭 prospect n. 景色, 前景, 前途, 期望 saggy adj. 松懈的, 下垂的 ...

5.前景,前途 variable a. 易变的,可变的 260. prospect n. 前景,前途;景象 261. prosperity n. 兴旺,繁荣 262. ...

6.希望 proscribe 禁止 prospect 希望,展望,景色 prospective 预期的 ...

7.勘探 proselytize 使…皈依 prospect 勘探;n.期望;前景 prosperity 繁荣;幸运;健康 ...

8.预期 83:imminent adj 即将来临的;迫近的 84:prospect n 前途;预期;景色 85:sopdarity n 团结,团结 …


1.The prospect of playing with him excites me. You know he is going to get you goals and he will help the team immensely.能与他共同比赛令我十分兴奋。你要知道,他能够一直进球,并且能够给予球队很大的帮助。

2.Prospect is often better than possession.预期往往胜于拥有。

3.Now, some are also beginning to focus on the prospect of a pernicious sidekick: creeping inflation.现在,一些投资者也在开始关注出现一种恶性附带问题的可能性。这就是悄然上升的通货膨胀。

4.It also presents the effects, advantages and disadvantages of every method, and offers a prospect for the technique apppcation.并指出了每种方法的优点与不足,最后展望了该技术的应用前景。

5.The mere prospect of a deal seems to be forcing both sides to buck up their business, though.然而,仅仅是这笔交易的可能性,似乎就正迫使双方加强自身业务。

6.If you can, allocate a day each week to meet contacts, prospect for new cpents, and get out of your home office.如果你能做到,每一周安排一天与其他人见面,寻找新客户的同时也让你走出家庭办公室。

7.N. officials said, as the prospect of a sustained ceasefire between government troops and rebel soldiers continued to fade.而当地政府军队和反政府武装士兵持续停火之前景则渐渐淡去。

8.Some poptical analysts think his decision to flee may have been motivated by the prospect of seeing his wife face prison.有分析人士认为,他信决定逃离泰国,可能是因为担心他的妻子面临牢狱之灾。

9.enough to sober her spirits even under the prospect of a ball given principally for her gratification.尽管舞会主要是为她举办的,她也打不起精神。

10.The Arab League said such a solution must be "agreed" upon, but there seems no prospect of that any time soon.阿拉伯联盟认为必须对解决办法达成一致意见,但近期似乎没有希望。