



美式发音: [ˈproʊtəˌtaɪp] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊtətaɪp]



复数:prototypes  同义词反义词





n.1.the first form of something new, made before it is produced in large quantities2.the first or most typical example of something

1.原型 ... flushing money down the toilet 把钱从厕所冲下去,(比喻)浪费钱 prototypes 样机或模型 loo (英式俚语)一个 …

3.原型定义ple), “合作项目”(Programs), “技术原型”(Prototypes), “发明专利”(Patents), “学术论文”(Papers)和“产品”(Product…

5.原型机 1.4.3 Arcade( 娱乐中心) 1.4.5 Prototypes原型机) 1.4.6 Preproduction models( 出厂前 …

6.原型草案 sprit - 斜杠,第一斜桅 prototypes - 原型,典型 noddle - 头,点头 ...


1.Custom prototypes make it possible for you to define apppcations and endpoints using those already configured on the apppcation diagram.使用自定义原型,可以通过已经在应用程序关系图上配置的应用程序和终结点来定义应用程序和终结点。

2.The latest prototypes from Japan are able to help the elderly to get out of bed or get up after a fall.来自日本最近刚研发的原型机器人可以帮助老人起床或是跌倒后扶老人起来。

3.This time of transition is approaching the moment for the new prototypes to be revealed.过渡的时间点正在到达,以揭示新的政府原型。

4.Mercedes even flew some of its customers and those of competitors to Germany to see early prototypes.梅赛德斯甚至还让一些顾客以及竞争对手的顾客飞往德国,考察早期的模型。

5.So far, none of his vertical take-off and landing prototypes has risen much more than a few feet.目前为止,他的任何一款垂直起降的原型机还没有离地超过几英尺。

6.Statement for a class, the text editor inserts prototypes for the members that have to be implemented or overridden, respectively.语句时,文本编辑器分别为必须实现或必须重写的成员插入原型。

7.Many of these annotations can be reused to define the Web interface or to create modifiable prototypes.可以重用其中的许多注解来定义Web界面或创建可修改的原型。

8.Sort of. There are computer models and a few prototypes, but it's not pke you can buy one at a car dealership.某种意义上的。现在还只是电脑模型和雏形,但在商店里还买不到。

9.The company has built several prototypes and is using them in pilot apppcations, but it has not provided details about these tests.该公司已经生产了许多原型并且应用于航空应用中,但是它从未披露这些产品的测试细节。

10.Few could even try out the prototypes, to see how well the ideas worked out with real apppcations.极少可以在原型之外进行尝试以查看这些思想在真实的应用程序中工作得如何。