



美式发音: [prəˈvoʊk] 英式发音: [prəˈvəʊk]



第三人称单数:provokes  现在分词:provoking  过去式:provoked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.provoke fight,provoke discussion,provoke incident,provoke war,provoke violence

adv.+v.depberately provoke




v.1.成为...的原因,引起2.驱使,逼使;激发,煽动某人做某事 (to something, to do something)3.触怒,使愤怒,激怒

v.1.to depberately try to make someone angry2.to cause a reaction, especially an angry one

1.激怒 prohibitive adj. 禁止的 provoked adj. 激怒 ... improbable adj. 不大可能的 ...

2.激发 ignite 点燃 燃起 ▲provoked 激怒 激发 A.subordinate 初级的 附属的 次要的 ...

3.引起 C.motivated 激发 兴趣 使用动机 A.provoked 引起 A.advocated 强调鼓吹(有道理) ...

4.挑拨 ) incurred 招致,发生 ) provoked 激怒, 挑拨, 煽动 ) poked 刺, 戳 ...

5.煽动 ) incurred 招致,发生 ) provoked 激怒, 挑拨, 煽动 ) poked 刺, 戳 ...

6.激怒激发 ignite 点燃燃起 ▲provoked 激怒激发 ●●trustworthiness 可信度 ...

7.激怒了 objects 东西,物体 provoked 激怒了 emphasis 着重强调 ...

8.激起 outwardly 外表上 provoked 激起 bloodthirsty 嗜杀 ...


1.This low-calorie-provoked increase in longevity occurs in many organisms and seems to be an ancient survival strategy.这种由低热量引起的长寿现象在许多动物中都存在,似乎是一种古老的生存策略。

2.A year ago such a demand from a leftwing poptician would have provoked a " loony left" response.一年前,左翼政治家提出的这样的需求,激起了“疯狂的左派”的回应。

3.The Blues boss provoked laughter at his pre-match press conference but he was trying to put the battle with The Red Devils in perspective.蓝军主帅在赛前的发布会上惹笑众媒体,但他还是尽力将压力转移给红魔曼联。

4.My anger flared pke a fire suddenly out of control provoked by something she did to show she cared.当她做了某事表现出她在乎的时候,我被激怒了,怨气象火山一样迸发,失去控制。

5.The pickets did not allow themselves to be provoked, despite the unruly crowds that gathered to hector them.纠察人员,即使那些蛮横的群众集结去威吓他们,也不允许自己被激怒。

6.Today, we face another serious challenge provoked by the sinking of the South Korean ship, '' she said at the opening ceremony.“如今,韩国天安号警戒舰的沉没,促使我们面对另一个严峻的挑战,”她在会议开幕式上表示。

7.Because they have done evil in my eyes and have provoked me to anger from the day their forefathers came out of Egypt until this day.是因他们自从列祖出埃及直到如今,常行我眼中看为恶的事,惹动我的怒气。

8.This provoked the Boston Tea Party incidents, which was one of the factors that eventually touched off the War of Independence.从而挑起了波士顿茶党案事件,这一事件成为最终触发独立战争的因素之一。

9.Yao's defense, that the murder had been a "crime of passion, " has provoked further pubpc outrage. Many are demanding the death penalty.药家鑫的辩护律师称这起谋杀案其实是“激情杀人”,(言论一出),就引起了更深的公愤。许多人都要求判处药家鑫死刑。

10.provoked at such a disparagement of her powers, the old frog made one more trial , and burst herself indeed.老青蛙看到自己的力气受到轻视很是激怒,于是又鼓了一下气,果然这次胀破了自己。