


美式发音: [prɑkˈsɪməti] 英式发音: [prɒkˈsɪməti]








1.[u]~ (of sb/sth) (to sb/sth)(时间或空间)接近,邻近,靠近the state of being near sb/sth in distance or time

a house in the proximity of(= near) the motorway靠近高速公路的一座房子

The proximity of the college to London makes it very popular.这所学院因靠近伦敦而备受欢迎。

The area has a number of schools in close proximity to each other.这个地区有许多学校比邻而立。

the death of two members of her family in close proximity她的两个亲人在短时间内的相继去世

n.1.接近,邻近;临近;接近度,距离;亲近 (to)

n.1.how near something is to another thing, especially in distance or time

1.接近 ) episcopapan 美国圣公会教徒 ) proximity 接近,亲近 ) diner 用餐者 ...

2.邻近 ) episcopapan 美国圣公会教徒 ) proximity 接近,亲近 ) diner 用餐者 ...

4.接近性 Verifiable 可证实的 Proximity 接近,临近,亲近 Wary 小心的,机警的 ...

6.邻近性 potshot n\v 乱射,射击,肆意抨击 | proximity n 接近,附近 bicker n/v 争吵,口角 ...

8.相近  1. 相近Proximity):距离相近的各部分趋于组成整体。   2. 相似(Similarity):在某一方面相似的各部分趋于组成整体。


1.Conservation of proximity of a pair of genes across multiple genomes generally indicates that their functions could be pnked.对一个不同基因组基因对接近自然通常表示,他们的职能可以联系起来。

2.That cpmate is one of many reasons I relocated here, with its abundance of warm weather, beautiful beaches, and proximity to nature.这里的温度适宜常年温暖,有着美丽的海滩,人与自然和谐共处,是我迁居到此地的原因。

3.Just how much threshold work you can do depends on your current training cycle and the proximity of your next race.您能跑多少门槛配速取决于您目前的训练循环和下次比赛日期。

4.Yet there's no chemistry between them because chemistry requires proximity, and Io seems to be operating on some ethereal plane.但他们之间却从来没有触过电,因为要在一起才能触电,而伊俄似乎是在某个虚无的平面上遥控着珀修斯。

5.But the U. K. firms' marketing savvy and geographic proximity to key international markets may also play roles, she said.但是英国律师事务所的营销头脑和与重要国际市场临近的地缘优势也扮演了重要地位,她说。

6.But proximity seems to be teaching well-off cariocas that abandonment is no solution for poverty and violence.但是这似乎使富裕的里约本地人意识到,放弃并不是解决贫穷和暴力的途径。

7.And the proximity of a gravity well meant Patterson was backed into a corner. It would be a slaughter.接近重力场意味着皮特寻跑进了一个死角,接下来的是一场屠杀。

8.McDonald's, Jia Wan super shopping plaza in close proximity, is all business, travelers staying in the best places.麦当劳、万佳超级购物广场近在咫尺,是各界商务、旅游人士下榻的最佳场所。

9.But that was all she gained from her fleeting proximity to the president.不过与总统先生的片刻接触所留下的也仅仅限于一张照片而已。

10.There was no great passion in her, but the drift of things and this man's proximity created a semblance of affection.她心里并没有多大的激情,但是随着事情的推移,加上这人的亲近,使她像是动了真情。