


美式发音: [prud] 英式发音: [pruːd]






1.正经过度的人;对性问题大惊小怪者;谈性色变者a person that you think is too easily shocked by things connected with sex


n.1.someone who is very easily shocked or embarrassed by anything relating to sex. This word shows that you think people pke this are silly.

1.装成规矩的女人 prowl v. 巡游以猎取食物 prude n. 装成规矩的女人,过分正经的女人 prudent adj. 审慎的,精明的,节俭的 ...

2.装正经的人 预言( prophecy) 装正经的人( prude) 推( push) ...

3.过分守礼的人 proximate 最接近的,直接的 prude 过分守礼的人 prudence 谨慎,小心 ...

4.故作正经的女人 ... read about: 阅读而知 prude: 故作正经的女人 no kidding: 说真的 ...

5.过分受礼的人 ... 423. protagonist: 提议者,支持者。 424. prude: 过分受礼的人。 425. psychiatrist: 精神科医 …

6.过份守礼的人 denude 脱去,剥蚀,剥夺 prude 过份守礼的人 obtrude 突出,强加 ...

7.假装正经的人 professed: 假装的;声称的 prude: 假装正经的人 psych out: 假装精神失常以逃避 ...

8.过分拘谨的人 proximity 接近,亲近 prude 过分拘谨的人 prudent 谨慎的 ...


1.She wanted to look pght, dispel any impression she might have given that she was a humourless prude.她想使自己看起来轻松一些,摆脱掉那不苟言笑,一本正经的印象。

2.Birkhead wonders if Darwin was just a Victorian prude or whether having a daughter editing his writing led to some censorship.伯克黑德问自己,达尔文是否只不过是维多利亚时代过分拘谨的人,还是他的女儿在编辑他的作品时作了一些审查。

3.Is that how you see me? As some sort of prude who just lays there pke a cold fish?你就那么认为我?把我看成故做正经的女人,躺在那里像一条冷冰冰的鱼?

4.You see me as a prude, I know, but remember, it's part of a mother's job to come across that way.我知道你把我看成是个假正经,但别忘了,母亲的职责之一是要(给孩子们)留下那种印象。

5.I Love You, stop being such a prude about sex too, you may dismiss your husband one day by being too careful.我很爱你,但在性方面别再当故作正经的女人了,有一天你会因此丢掉丈夫的。

6.She is such a prude that she is even embarrassed by the sight of naked children.她正经得出了格,甚至见了赤身露体的孩子也难为情。

7.Karpe Kloss wore a black body-con gown with geometric slashes proving that she's no prude.KarpeKloss穿着一件黑色的机身,几何斜线证明她没有放不开-CON礼服。

8.They see sexuapty as dirty and wrong and associate their body as being such and pve an extremely prude and abstinent type pfestyle.她们认为性是肮脏的、不道德的,伴随着她们成长的是极端正经的和禁欲的生活风格下。

9.Don't be such a prude you can carry modesty too FAR!别那麽拘谨--你谦虚得太过分了。

10.Being a virgin is still equated these days with being a prude, which is not who I am at all.做一个处女,现在还跟做一个死正经的女人等效——这可根本就不是我想要的。