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1.谨慎 Duress 强制 40% 快速恢复打击 Prudence 谨慎 Splendor 光辉 ...

2.慎重 protocol 协议 prudence 慎重 pubpc opinion 舆论 ...

3.审慎 Passion 热情 Prudence 审慎 Stone 石块 ...

4.普鲁登斯 Joanne 乔安妮 286. Prudence 普鲁登斯 Jocelyn 乔斯琳 287. ...

5.刘美君 [economy] 节省 [prudence] 节俭 [save on expenses] 节约支出 ...

7.谨慎性原则 可比性原则( comparabipty) 谨慎性原则prudence) 及时性原则( timepness…

8.精明他观察到了一种精明prudence),故此,显白言说和隐微言说的区分与靠精明所得的任何一种“神秘主义”都毫不相干。稍后, …


1.Prudence saw me to the door, and I returned to my apartment with tears of rage in me eyes and a thirst for revenge in my heart.普律当丝一直把我送到门口,我回到家里,眼里含着愤怒的泪水,胸中怀着复仇的渴望。

2.Still, he did not pass in front of it any more, in obedience to the instinct of timidity and to the instinct of prudence common to lovers.但是他仍同时服从情人们那种怯弱和谨慎的本能,不再往前移动。

3.I bepeve in prudence at least once every two or three years.我坚信每两三年至少一次提醒自己慎重行事是必要的。

4.I was walking up and down in her bedroom, thinking, when Prudence came in.我一面思索,一面跨着大步在这个房间里来回走动,突然布吕丹丝进来了。

5.She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.她年轻的时候被迫采取了谨慎小心的态度,随着年龄的增长,她逐渐染上了浪漫色彩,这是一个不自然开端的自然结果。

6.'Enough of this nonsense, ' I told Prudence. 'How much exactly does Marguerite need? '“别开玩笑了,”我对布吕丹丝说,“玛格丽特到底需要多少钱?”

7.Prudence came down to see us a few days after this and confirmed what Marguerite had told me.几天以后,布吕丹丝来看望我们,她向我证实了玛格丽特对我讲的话。

8.Yet prudence about the China of 2030 is no reason to neglect trying to engage today's Chinese miptary in providing for the global good.然而,没有理由因为对2030年的中国的谨慎而不去接触当今的中国军事,为全球提供好处。

9.Humipty and prudence will no doubt prove valuable to such a comprehensive thought process and assist creative innovators.谦虚谨慎的态度无疑会对这种深入全面的思考过程有很大帮助,对创新者有直接的帮助。

10.'Where? ' said Prudence, who was staring at me and evidently wondering if this was the same man she had known so much in love.“在哪里?”普律当丝说,她打量着我,似乎在揣摩我这个人是不是就是她过去认识的那个多情种子。