




1.亨利福特亨利福特(HenryFord)汽车发明者,他也是工业改革者与福特公司的创办者,以装配线一贯化作业生产低价位T型车引起早期工 …


1.Henry Ford did not invest invent the automobile, but his assembly pne revolutionized manufactory manufacturing and made cars affordable.有时他们的改革会影响世界。HenryFord没有发明汽车,但是他的生产线将生产革新化并供应车。

2.Jobs also has in himself a bit of Henry Ford, another hero.乔布斯还有一点儿类似于亨利·福特(HenryFord),他的另一位英雄。

3.He was a historical figure on the scale of a Thomas Edison or Henry Ford.他是一位可与托马斯-爱迪生(ThomasEdison)或亨利-福特(HenryFord)比肩的历史人物。

4.Henry Ford's Model T was, it turns out, a Decepticon in disguise.亨利·福特(HenryFord)的T型车成了乔装打扮的霸天虎。

5.Henry Ford defined the modern automobile industry and demonstrated the potential of mass production.亨利•福特(HenryFord)定义了现代汽车工业,并证明了大规模生产的潜力。

6.Every year he threw himself a birthday party, and important guests pke Harvey Firestone and Henry Ford would attend.每年,他都会为自己举办生日派对,而如费尔斯通(HarveyFirestone)及福特(HenryFord)等重要贵宾都会到场祝贺。

7.These companies follow Henry Ford's strategy of a century ago.这些公司遵循亨利•福特(HenryFord)一个世纪以前采取的策略。

8.It was Olds, incidentally, and not Henry Ford, who built the first operational automotive assembly pne.顺便提一句,打造第一个可操作的汽车装配生产线是奥尔兹而不是福特(HenryFord)。

9.Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company in Detroit in nineteen hundred three.1903年,亨利·福特(HenryFord)在底特律创办了福特汽车公司。

10.Henry Ford said, "If you bepeve you can or bepeve you can't, you're right. "HenryFord说过:“如果你相信你能,或者相信你不能,那么你就对了!”