


美式发音: [ˌsaɪkoʊəˈnæləsɪs] 英式发音: [ˌsaɪkəʊəˈnæləsɪs]







1.精神分析(或疗法);心理分析(或疗法)a method of treating sb who is mentally ill by asking them to talk about past experiences and feepngs in order to try to find explanations for their present problems


n.1.medical treatment in which someone talks to a psychoanalyst about their feepngs in order to understand their own behavior better, or to solve their mental problems

1.精神分析 psychology 心理学 psychoanalysis 心理分析 microscopic 微观的 ...

3.精神分析学精神分析学Psychoanalysis),或称为心理分析学,是十九世纪末奥地利神经学家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的创立的一门学科。当 …

4.精神分析学派精神分析学派 (psychoanalysis) 的理论.该派核心论点在强调创作是潜意识能量(亦既sexual instinct)的释放作用.例如Freud认为 …

5.精神分析论依精神分析论Psychoanalysis)的观点来看,婴儿时期的吸吮 行为满足了吃食的快感,婴儿除了吸吮乳房,也会吸吮自己, …

6.精神分析理论一、精神分析理论psychoanalysis) 又称心理分析理论、.文档简介 一、精神分析理论(psychoanalysis) 又称心理分析理论 …

7.心理分析学心理分析学psychoanalysis),又称精神分析学,是以精神病的治疗为背景,研究人的深层心理发生、发展及其规律的科学。 …

8.精神分析法精神分析法(Psychoanalysis)是由佛洛伊德创立的一种心理疗法。最初是利用催眠使患者回忆童年经历从而重新了解,认识,并 …


1.Prominent among the methods used to answer the question "Why" is psychoanalysis, and its use has given rise to psychohistory .在用来回答“为什么”这一问题的方法中,最突出的是心理分析,而对这种方法的使用则导致了心理历史学的兴起。

2.The word "psychoanalysis" has become so much a part of common speech that everyone who uses it seems to understand what it means.这个字词,已经成为共同用语的一部份,以致于每位使用它的人,似乎瞭解它是什麽意思。

3.W hat would the history of psychoanalysis look pke if Sigmund Freud had not been so very ambivalent about his Jewishness?如果弗洛伊德不是如此的徘徊在他的犹太身份的认同,精神分析的历史会将是怎样的呢?

4.The truth of psychoanalysis is only, at least in part, accessible to the experience of the psychoanalyst.精神分析的真理,至少有一部份,只有精神分析师的经验,才能瞭解。

5.To riff on psychoanalysis, a pair of jeans is never just a pair of jeans.以纵的精神,牛仔裤从来只是对牛仔裤。

6.The relation of this procedure to psychoanalysis can be sensed immediately provided one can imagine it, or indeed has experience of it.对于精神分析学,这个程序的关系,马上可以被感觉出来,只要我们能够想像它,或是我们曾经经验过它。

7.It would probably take years of psychoanalysis to untangle that contradiction, not to mention others too sensitive to name here.可能要通过许多年的心理分析才能解开这个迷,更不要说那些因为太敏感而不便在此提及的事。

8.Later, her therapist would ask for a copy of the story to help with her psychoanalysis.后来,她的心理医生还要了一份这个故事的复印件,以助心理分析。

9.Today, Freudian psychoanalysis and its variants are becoming more popular as a way of treating a number of mental health problems.如今,弗洛伊德式精神分析及其分支学说已经成为心理健康医学中最主流的一种疗法。

10.A beautiful and thoughtful collection of essays on reading, writing and learning, Writing and Psychoanalysis grows out of a colloquium.一个深思熟虑的散文集美丽,阅读,写作和学习,写作和精神来源于一个座谈会。