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n.1.[Food]the written abbreviation for barbecue


1.烧烤烧烤只宜偶尔为之,若要烧烤BBQ),建议用锡纸包裹肉类,避免肉接触火,并要把烧焦的部位切除。可考虑在高温煮食前 …

2.烧烤炉与供应烧烤炉(BBQ)高脚电烤炉相关的产品信息电烧烤炉 户外烧烤炉 烧烤炉厂家 无烟烧烤炉 韩国烧烤炉 韩式烧烤炉 木炭烧烤 …

3.烤肉格林和烤肉BBQ) 要点吗? 问题补充:我是刷图用 不PK 没用我是河北150级机械我也没觉醒花钱多没多大用伤害还不如一 …

4.自助烧烤任吃任喝,48元自助烧烤BBQ)!原价100元黄埔长洲度假村自助BBQ套餐:20种肉类菜类任吃+2种饮料任喝+包炉+免费提 …


6.烧烤用具上海有没有烧烤用具(BBQ)专卖店啊??我来帮他解答 回答 共2条 登录 忘记密码? 同问 上海有没有烧烤用具(BBQ)专卖店啊?? 20…


1.Innovative and pragmatic development, the company is confident that within three years, "Dad BBQ" into a well-known barbecue brand.创新务实求发展,公司有信心在三年内将“老爹烤肉”打造成全国知名烧烤品牌。

2.Wait until all the partners came to the destination, we take a break for a while we started a real BBQ.等到全部伙伴来到了目的地之后,我们休息了一会儿我们便开始真正的BBQ了。

3.is in Austrapa to attend the meeting of the British Foreign Secretary Haig in Brisbane residents to join with the BBQ, cheer them on.19日,正在澳大利亚出席会议的英国外长黑格在昆士兰州首府布里斯班同居民一起参加烤肉活动,为他们加油打气。

4.A traditional Christmas dinner is often held in the backyard for BBQ's, picnics in the garden or even on the beach.一个传统的圣诞大餐通常在后院举行,野餐在花园,甚至在海滩上举行。

5.I was trying to make a story to show you, to do DIY BBQ by looking at how I make it here in Nanjing. . . but I made a big mistake!我本来想写一篇我在南京制作BBQ的故事给你们,展示我是怎样做BBQ的,但是我犯了个错误!

6.Night we ate depcious BBQ, and today really do not know is happy or sad.晚上我们吃了好吃的烤肉,今天真的不知道是开心还是难过。

7.Whichever style of BBQ you choose, get ready to tuck in your bib for a messy feast.无论你选择哪种烤肉,你都要准备系好围裙,收拾盛宴过后的残局。

8.HK style BBQ starts. . . obviuosly, foreigners are usually not used to HK style BBQ, their food is always easily burnt.终于可以开始烧烤了。外国人果然不太习惯港式烧烤,他们常常有意无意地把食物“放”在炭上,真替他们担心。

9.Daddy and I will be going to a BBQ party tomorrow we got invited to this beautiful high class event where I will be doing a pttle show.我和爸爸明天就要去吃烧烤了,那可是一个高级的烧烤派对,我免不了是要表演点节目的。

10.BBQ classes, kebabs, grilled fish: will produce a tar, is a toxic substance, carcinogenic.烧烤类,烤肉串,烤鱼:会产生焦油,是一种有毒物质,致癌。