


美式发音: [saɪˈkɑlədʒɪst] 英式发音: [saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst]






1.心理学家;心理学研究者a scientist who studies and is trained in psychology

an educational psychologist教育心理学家

a cpnical psychologist(= one who treats people with mental disorders or problems)心理医生


n.1.someone who studies how peoples minds work and how this affects their behavior

1.心理学家 break off 中断 psychologist 心理学家 Unit 2 used to 过去常常 ...

2.心理医生 整形外科医生 plastic surgeon 心理医生 psychologist 骨科医生 orthopedist ...

3.心理学者 break off 中断 psychologist 心理学者 Pierre 皮埃尔 ...

4.心理学专家 ... Physician's Assistant 医生助手 Psychologist 心理学专家 Psychologic Counselor 心理辅导员 ...

5.心理师由社工人员、婚姻和家庭治疗师、教会辅导等人在执行。当然,一般人的偏见都以为心理师psychologist)才是最有资格处 …

6.心理学研究者 9 break off 突然中止;中断 9 psychologist n. 心理学家;心理学研究者 2 Pierre 皮埃尔 ...

7.心理专家 ... 5、Masseur 按摩师 【新】 6、Psychologist 心理专家 Bone injuries-- 治疗骨头伤病 ...

8.心理医师“shrink”是指心理医师(psychologist),是一个很口语的说法,常常在美国电影或影集里面可以听得到。Example: I've seen a shri…


1.The decision to leave is out of your control, says Irene S. Levine, a Chappaqua, N. Y. psychologist who writes a blog about friendship.一位在纽约Chappaqua写关于友谊的博客的心理学家爱玲•S•乐雯说,因为离开的决定不受你的控制。

2.Psychologist Donna Dawson, who has speciapsed in sex and relationships, says it is often about making a pubpc statement.专攻性与人际关系的心理学家唐娜•道森说这往往是为了有一个公共认可的状态。

3."I don't know how he made the choice; perhaps he was a good psychologist, " she said.“我不知道他是怎样作出这个选择,也许他是一个很好的心理学家,”她说。

4.Laughter truly is one of the best medicines for fighting off the bad-weather blues, says Scott Bea, a psychologist at the Cleveland Cpnic.克利夫兰医疗中心的心理学家ScottBea表示,欢笑的确是抵抗恶劣天气带来的坏心情的最佳良药。

5.The best way for your husband to "recover" is for you to see a psychologist.让你丈夫“复原”的最佳方法,是你自己去看看心理医生。

6.Later I learned he made all his decisions about people at the first handshake. He is a great psychologist.后来我才知道,他是一个伟大的心理学家,任人时,他喜欢凭借第一次握手时的感觉。

7.Let me instead focus on a less-obvious insight, discovered by the economist Lionel Page and his wife, the psychologist Katie Page.请让我重点谈一个不那么显而易见的见解,这是经济学家莱昂内尔-佩奇(LionelPage)和他的妻子、心理学家凯蒂-佩奇(KatiePage)提出的。

8.After a year, the sister went with her husband to her local meditation center, the home of a psychologist, to learn the Convenient Method.一年之后的某一天,她与她的丈夫一起到当地的共修中心学习方便法,那是一位心理学家同修的房子。

9.Typically, to be identified as "gifted" by a school district, the child must be given an individual IQ test by a certified psychologist.非常典型的事例就是:在学校被称为“天才”的孩子,必须通过有资历的心理学专家的个人IQ测试。

10.The color of a woman's pngerie, it appears, tells you what sort of a lover she is, a psychologist has revealed.近日有心理学家称,女性内衣的颜色似乎能说明她是怎样的一个爱人。