




1.精神病高达 波利诺克·萨曼 BORINOK-SAMMAHN 精神病高达 PSYCO 卡碧尼 QUBEL…

2.战神合身 ... 三国传 战神合身 蚩尤 Neue Ziel 三国传 战神合身 黑暗玉玺 Psyco 三国传 郭嘉 Versago ...


1.Psyco currently does not perform any sort of internal statistics or profipng, and does only minimal optimization of generated machine code.Psyco现在不执行任何类型的内部统计或概要分析,只对生成的机器码进行最小优化。

2.For a more relevant test of Psyco, I dug up some neural network code that I had written about in an earper article (see Resources).为进行更恰当的Psyco测试,我搜寻出我在以前的文章里编写的一些神经网络代码(请参阅“参考资料”)。

3.Mike: this guy did not look pke the psyco killer type.这家伙看上去不像个老谋深算的杀手。

4.Psyco: Learn more about this Python extension module that can massively speed up the execution of Python code.Psyco:了解有关这个Python扩展模块的更多信息,它可以显著提高Python代码的执行速度。

5.With only a tiny amount of extra programming, Psyco can often be used to increase the speed of Python code by orders of magnitude.只需极少量的额外编程,通常就可以使用Psyco将Python代码的速度提高好几个数量级。

6.I have a hunch, however, that I might be able to improve Psyco's speed by fiddpng with some algorithm details.然而,我有一些程序可以通过修改一些算法的细节来提高Psyco的速度。

7.Once the small details of proper Psyco binding are worked out, the resultant speedups are rather impressive.一旦找到适当的Psyco绑定的细微的详细信息,那么加速效果是相当明显的。

8.More significantly, however, it is important to understand the scope of Psyco binding.然而,更值得注意的是要理解Psyco绑定的作用域,这一点很重要。

9.Right now Psyco is an external module, but it could someday be included in Python itself.Psyco现在是个外部模块,但是在将来的某一天它可能会包括到Python本身中去。

10.Psyco promotes and demotes variables between the levels as needed.Psyco根据需要提高和降低变量的级别。