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网络释义:部分传输序列(Partial Transmit Sequence);预定时间标准法(Predetermined Time System);公共电视(Pubpc Television Service)




1.部分传输序列(Partial Transmit Sequence)  部分传输序列PTS)先将每个OFDM符号分为V个子块,给每个子块乘上一个相位因子,再对X′(k)进行IFFT运算,得到x′(n)。 …

2.预定时间标准法(Predetermined Time System)它通常由预定时间标准法(PTS)和标准资料法组成。(4)批准的时间标准法。

3.公共电视(Pubpc Television Service)台湾公共电视(PTS)隶属于台湾公共广播电视集团。他们最近新购入了130支DPA话筒,包括大量的4006全指向型话筒、4011心 …

4.磷酸转移酶系统磷酸转移酶系统(PTS)和非磷酸转移酶系统(non-PTS)对葡萄糖吸收有何不同?离问题结束还有 -646天-6小时-7分 [本文链接:http…

5.检测工具(Profile Tuning Suite)深圳摩尔实验室(MORLAB)于近日更新并升级了其的蓝牙Profile测试工具PTSProfile Tuning Suite)到3.0.1版本。PTS是Bl…


1.making t mac score 18 pts a game is pretty much negating the purpose of him on the floor.让麦迪每场比赛只有18分进帐,这不是麦迪上场的本意。

2.Each day we see new PTS site launches and closes down in less than 4 weeks without paying their members back.我们每天都看见各种PTS新站冒出来,然而不到4周一分钱不付就又倒了。

3.Professionally and effectively introduce the Company to new business potentials and convince decision makers to use PTS products.专业有效的向潜在客户介绍公司,并说服客户使用公司产品。

4.Popsh crate and pail moulder PTS Plast-Box has announced plans of a merger with an unnamed transit packaging group later this year.波兰箱和塑料桶铸工警校盒已经宣布计划合并与一名过境包装集团今年晚些时候推出。

5.The point table (wells_pts) has a foreign-key relationship with the source table (wells).点表(wells_pts)和源表(wells)之间有外键关系。

6.Associate with Monier IT to update the website of Monier and PTS system, support IT for product information and professional technologies.协助曼宁家IT部门更新曼宁家网站及PTS系统,提供必要的产品技术支持。

7.Plus, as the massive Baby Boomer generation continues grow older and face new physical challenges, PTs are constantly flooded with patients.再加上,在婴儿潮时出生的这一代人,数量巨大。他们年龄惭惭增大,身体也面临着新的挑战,所以才会出现理疗场所水泄不通的状况。

8.Figure 1 below shows an example of a source table, Things, with Latitude and Longitude columns and a derived point table, Things_pts.下面的图1给出一个源表(Things,具有Latitude和Longitude列)和一个派生的点表(Things_pts)的示例。

9.24 am Moving up from his PTs and fatigues, Ian is fitted for his Class A dress uniform.上午10时24分从他的准移动和迷彩服时,伊恩是他的A类礼服装置。

10.and after this wins ur have many pts and staying at the top of your grope? !在这场的胜利之后,你得了很多分,并且在小组居第一,不是吗?。