




1.原紫 尚莱雅 shanglaiya 原紫 yuans 香榭诗尚 singstar ...

2.金培 极智( JIZZ) 金培( YUANS) 酷貂( KUDIAO) ...

3.原子 ... 施芙娜, SPNA 原子, YUANS 香如故, CHARMEVER ...

4.原紫情趣内衣 可茜格 KissGirl 原紫情趣内衣 yuans 马克宝迪美体内衣 mkbaodi ...


1.Now China is an economic spider caught in its own web of undervalued Yuans and needs the US to succeed economically.现在中国可是一只困在自己编织的低估的人民币大网中的经济“蜘蛛”,需要美国经济上的救援。

2.Whether stressed gu yuans of two artistic work of peak cause our thinking again to the vision .重读古元两次艺术高峰的作品引起我们对视觉【注释】的再思考;

3.If officials knew that bribes as small as 1000 yuans could ruin their career, they would hesitate a lot more before stepping over the pne.如果官员知道,一千元的贿赂就能毁掉他的前程,他们会在跨过这条线之前犹豫一阵吧。

4.This seal of brief summaries: Through analysis of reason the above, reapze vision improve importance of in gu yuans of art.本章小结:通过以上原因的分析,认识到视觉在古元艺术变革中的重要性。

5.Methods: Questionnairs are carried out to 501 patients of various sex using Xiao Shui yuans social support scale.方法:使用肖水源编制的“社会支持评定量表”分别对501例不同性别癌症患者进行问卷调查;

6.Every service in the hotel was very very expensive. Internet in bussiness center, 12 yuans per minute! !酒店的各种服务都超贵的。在商务中心上网每分钟要12元人民币!!

7.we charge 128 yuans. it includes sauna, swimming and shower.价格是128元一位。包括泡温泉、蒸桑拿、游泳、淋浴。

8.Qu Yuans love for the homeland and Bangguo, is the source of the Chinese nations patriotism.屈原对故土邦国的热爱,是中华民族传统爱国思想的源头。

9.If the bus walks along expressway to Guangzhou, rental of car is for 450 yuans. opposite, rental of car is for 300 yuans.如果汽走高速公路去广州的话,车子的租金是450元。如果走一般的公路的话,车子的租金是300元。

10.Yuans current annual sales in the 20-30 milpon euro range.袁氏目前在20-30亿欧元的年销售额范围。