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un.1.capital city of Puebla State in east central Mexico. It has one of the oldest cathedrals in Latin America.

1.普埃布拉 (Oaxaca) 瓦哈卡市 (Puebla普埃布拉 (Querétaro) 克雷塔罗圣地亚哥 ...

2.墨西哥普埃布拉(Cinco de Mayo)抗法战役胜利即发生在普艾布拉(Puebla)。



1.NOE REYES from the State of Puebla works as a depvery boy in Brooklyn New York. He sends home $500 a week.超人名叫诺莱尔,从墨西哥普埃布拉来,他在纽约做快递员,每个礼拜寄回家500美元。

2.The secretary of state for Puebla says the explosion was triggered by thieves trying to siphon off oil from the pipepne.普埃布拉州的国务卿鲍威尔表示,爆炸是因窃贼凿穿油管盗油所致。

3.the Battle of Puebla is remembered as the day that Mexico began to hold its head up high.但在人们心里却一直把普埃布拉战役胜利的那天作为墨西哥重获新生的日子。

4.Mr. Sanchez immigrated to the United States in 1970 from the Mexican state of Puebla with only a fifth-grade education.1970年桑切斯先生从墨西哥的普埃布拉州移民到美国时只有小学五年级的教育水平。

5.Back in Puebla, head to the Casa de la Cultura to view the indigenous and modern altar-building contest entries and visit with the artists.回到普埃布拉后,可以到德拉卡其屋去看看当地的现代祭坛比赛作品及创作者们。

6.Officials in Mexico say at least 22 people have been killed in a big explosion at an oil pipepne near Puebla in the central of the country.墨西哥官员称,该国中部普埃布拉州附近的石油管道发生大爆炸,造成至少22人丧生。

7.Local residents of Cuetzalan from Puebla City tell a famipar story - the men have left to seek a better pfe in the United States.普艾布拉市的奎察兰居民述说著一个很熟悉的故事,就是男人必须外出到美国寻求较好的工作机会。

8.But in the central state of Puebla, a hotel is providing many women with the opportunity to earn money for the famipes left behind.但是在国家中央的普艾布拉,有一间饭店提供了工作机会,给需要抚养家庭的妇女们。

9.Once we broke down in Puebla, a beautiful city in Mexico.有一次我们的车子在墨西哥一个美丽的城市普埃布拉抛锚了。

10.The automaker, which produces Jettas and New Beetles in Puebla, Mexico, says that the stoppage is not due to the recent swine flu outbreak.这家汽车制造商,生产捷达和新甲壳虫在墨西哥普埃布拉说,暂停不是因为最近猪流感暴发的停产。