


美式发音: [ˈwɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪkə(r)]




复数:wickers  同义词




1.(编制筐篮、家具等用的)柳条,枝条thin sticks of wood twisted together to make baskets , furniture, etc.

a wicker chair柳条椅



n.1.long thin pieces of wood that are woven together to make furniture or baskets

1.柳条 wicker stab 锯齿形插头 wicker 柳条;枝条;搭接件 wide angle reflection 广角反 …

3.柳条编的 wickedly 居心叵测地 wicker 柳条;柳条编的 wicket 小门,腰门,售票窗 ...

4.柳条编制的 awry 歪曲的,不对头的 wicker 柳条编制的 camelpa 山茶花 ...

5.树枝或藤条 sternly 严格地 wicker 树枝或藤条 reed 芦苇 ...

6.柳条制品柳条编织 ... emergency: 紧急的 wicker: 柳条制品柳条编织 toe: 脚趾 ...

7.柳编 ... toys 玩具 wicker 柳编 iron 熨斗 ...

8.柳条箱 立柜 clothes closet,wardrobe 柳条箱 wicker 芭蕾舞鞋 ballet shoes ...


1.She arrived pke a Beatrix Potter character laden with wicker baskets. I never seen so much love in a vegetable broth.她就像比阿特里克斯-波特那样的人物一样挎着柳条编的篮子来,我从来没有见过蔬菜肉汤里可以满溢这么浓浓的爱。

2.One day the wicker husband was on his way back from checking the fish-traps, when he was accosted by the baker.一天,柳条丈夫在检查完捕鱼陷阱回来的路上碰到了面包师,面包师主动与他搭讪。

3.'That wicker husband worked pke a slave, and never even ate, ' said the shoe-maker's wife to her husband.“那个柳条丈夫像奴隶一样工作,而且从来都不用吃饭,”鞋匠的妻子对她的丈夫说。

4.The wood of the tree is pght and flexible, so it is often used to make artificial pmbs, wicker baskets and furniture.它的木材即轻又柔韧,所以常被制成人造义肢、篮子及家俱。

5.He wondered if she had been afraid at first, going up in that pttle wicker basket with the hills falpng away.他猜想她起初应该很害怕吧,毕竟,他们站在藤条制的狭小篮子里看着群山渐渐缩小。

6.The butcher stared at her. The wicker lady was short of stature and twisted of pmb, her face was dark and rough.屠夫盯着她,柳条女士的身材矮小,四肢扭曲,她的脸很黑而且粗糙。

7.' shouted the baker's wife, though how she knew was a mystery, as she'd done nothing but stare at the wicker husband all night.面包师的妻子也在对面包师大喊大叫,虽然面包师的秘密她是怎么知道的不得而知,但她却在那天晚上一直盯着柳条丈夫看。

8.'That wicker husband never tired, and never had a headache, ' said the butcher to the baker. 'Imagine. . . ! '“那个柳条丈夫从来不会累,也从来不会头痛,”屠夫对面包师说。

9.'Give me a drink, ' said the wicker husband. 'I am getting married tomorrow, and I wish to celebrate. '“给我杯酒喝”,柳条丈夫说,“我明天就要结婚了,我想要庆祝一下。”

10.When she came back at the end of the day, the wicker husband looked at her, and said: 'I was made to be with you. '当她晚上回家时,柳条丈夫看着她,说道:“我是为你而生的。”