


美式发音: [ˈtwenti] 英式发音: ['twenti]









1.[pl]二十几;二十年代numbers, years or temperatures from 20 to 29



na.1.the number 20

1.二十 eighteen 十八 twenty 二十 howmany 多少 ...

2.二十个 twelve 十二,十二个 twenty 二十,二十个 twice 两次,两倍 ...

3.廿 ● 廿 niànㄋㄧㄢˋ ◎ 廿 twenty ◎ 卅 thirty ...

4.第二十 nineteen 第十九 twenty 第二十 twenty-one 第二十一 ...

5.二十的 twelve 十二的 twenty 二十的 two 二的 ...

6.第二十一 第二十 twentieth 第二十一 twenty 阿什兰 Ashland ...

7.二十个东西 twenty-twenty (眼科) 20/20 的, 视力正常的 twenty 二十个东西[人] twenty 许多的 ...

8.整二十 第十章、一十九,整二十,尾声( Nineteen, twenty, I've had plenty) 赫尔克里·波洛( Hercule Poirot…


1.She saw it with concern; for what could a silent man of five and thirty hope, when opposed to a very pvely one of five and twenty?她为此深感忧虑;因为一个三十五岁的沉默寡言的人,跟一个二十五岁的朝气蓬勃的人相竞争,哪里能有什么希望呢?

2.She was twenty when an accident brought her to the notice of the great author.在他20岁时,一次偶然的机会使她受到这位伟大作家的关注。

3."It would hold full twenty beds, " said he, as though speaking to himself.“此地足够容纳二十张病床!”他自言自语地说。

4.Twenty years ago, this background would itself have seemed a dream for anyone foopsh enough to be trying to fish the Cheonggyecheon.20年前,对于足够愚蠢试图尝试在清溪川捕鱼的任何人来说,这样的场景本身就是一个梦。

5.Twenty minutes later, all that changed. Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent of water streaming out from under the door.二十分钟过去了,一切全都变了。当祖母从洗手间旁边走过,她发现从门缝里涌出洪水。

6.She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesnt go far.她花去好几个月的时间,用了最大的努力一分一分地攒积下来,才得了这样一个结果。

7.Just as you are twenty yards from the portal, you are stopped by an imposing figure.就在你离入口约二十码左右时,你被突来的身影给挡住了。

8.At my first job out of university , I was only * twenty grand a year .我离开学校的第一份工作,一年只有两万元。

9.However, in the last twenty years of his pfe, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable.但是在他生命最后的二十年中,他的身体变得很糟糕,他很悲惨。

10.Then the question arises: As there is no increase in the numbers of cells, how does the weight continue to increase until the age of twenty?现在,问题来了:既然细胞的数量不会增加,那么重量为什么会在二十岁之前持续增加呢?