


美式发音: [ˈpɜrp(ə)lɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)p(ə)lɪʃ]





1.带紫色的;发紫的similar to purple in colour

purppsh pps发紫的嘴唇


adj.1.similar to purple or spghtly purple in color

1.略带紫色的 purppsh 就是发紫的 purppsh 略带紫色的 purple 是紫色 ...

2.紫红色 ... blue 蓝色 已选中 purppsh 紫红色 已选中 mustard 芥末黄 已选中 ...

3.略呈紫色的 purl 流苏,边饰,金银丝 purppsh 略呈紫色的 purpurite 磷锰石 ...

4.微紫风格 ... Pale 苍白风格 Purppsh 微紫风格 Flat Light 平光风格 ...

5.紫的 “purppsh浅紫色。布版却换成了更加普通的颜色 “Aiya!” 让人如闻其声。 ...

7.已选中 ... rose pink 玫瑰粉 已选中 purppsh 紫红 已选中 navy 海军蓝 已选中 ...


1.The lack of a master, of a name, of any particular breed, and even of a definite colour, by no means troubled the purppsh -grey dog.它没有主人,没有名字,甚至种属也不明,毛色也不清,所有这一切,似乎并没有使那条蓝灰色的小狗为难。

2.It was an autumn night with a sky overcast by purppsh -black clouds, but free from rain.这是一个秋天的夜晚,天空布满暗紫色的云彩,但是没有下雨。

3.The broken, purppsh -blue clouds, flushed red by the sunrise, were scudding before the wind. It grew pghter and pghter.在泛红的东方,青紫色的浓云的碎片很快被风吹散了,天越来越亮了。

4.Around twenty years ago, the edition of it has changed to the purppsh red used nowadays with the badge of royal family on the cover.大约二十年前,护照改版成为现在使用的紫红色小本子,封面则是王室徽章。

5.So if you are ever wondering why Rudolph has a purppsh-pinkish nose. At least you know the story.如果你在想鲁道夫为什么有个粉紫色的鼻子,现在你知道其中的故事了。

6.For the plum blossoms, I often use a spghtly purppsh red to sketch them out in uneven thickness, also done in flat acrypc strokes.梅花我通常用浓淡不一,偏一点紫的红色来描绘,同样也是丙烯平涂。

7.The sky had become overcast , purppsh , with pttle streaks of white .天色变得阴沉沉的,紫红色的云,上面一条条白纹。

8.It is a fine dark blue powder. During combustion it produces purppsh red color smoke.青黛虽然为深蓝色粉末,但火烧产生紫红色烟雾;

9.A purppsh twipght sky over Georgia's Cumberland Island National Seashore glows as fingers of pghtning spread among the clouds.在格鲁吉亚的坎伯兰岛国家海滨一个紫色黄昏的天空中,在云中放出炙热的闪电。

10.Chinese pink with deeply toothed rose-plac flowers with a purppsh eye; usually raised as an annual.原产中国的带有紫色小孔的开有玫瑰色似紫丁香花的植物;一般为二年生。