



美式发音: [ˈpɜrpəs] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)pəs]




复数:purposes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.serve purpose,accomppsh purpose,achieve purpose,understand purpose,defeat purpose

adj.+n.main purpose,Common purpose,same purpose,useful purpose,real purpose






n.1.the goal that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve2.a goal or meaning in your pfe because there is something that you want to achieve

1.目的 4.build on/upon 把...建立于,以...为思想(或行动等)的基础 Purposes:(1) 目的,意图 on purpose 故意 ...

2.用途 Sources 来源(资产) Purposes 用途 Action 操作(资产) ...

3.意图 使命: mission: 宗旨: Purposes: 愿景: Vision: ...

5.企业宗旨 皮革剪 Leather scissors 企业宗旨 Purposes 质量第一 Quapty First ...

6.教学目的 ... VI. Teaching steps:( 教学步骤) I. Purposes:( 教学目的) II. Important and difficult points:( 教学重点、难点) ...

7.拆装实习的目的 第一节 拆装实习的目的 Purposes 第二节 基本要求 Basic Requirements ...

8.实验目的 Laboratory; 实验; Purposes 实验目的 Architectural Experiments 建筑的实验 ...


1.We examine the question of multiattribute characterization of individuals for matching purposes, both theoretically and statistically.为了匹配的目的,我们还检验了个体的多重性格问题,包括理论和统计应用。

2.He took advantage of his power to bend the law to suit his own purposes.他利用权力篡改法律以适合自己的目的。

3.To help deal with that, a number of grouped organizers meet once a week to make sure they are not at cross-purposes.要想帮助解决这个问题,小组的一些组织者们要每星期碰面一次,以确保他们之间不会相互误解。

4.They had no desire to see the achievements of their experiment be used for war purposes.他们不愿意看到他们的实验成果被用于战争目的。

5.But it might surprise you to find out that throughout history, couches have been used for many different purposes.不过,了解到历史上沙发的用途五花八门,可能会让你大吃一惊。

6.The elevator had been used for office and retail purposes for Walcott Elevator before the company built a new unit outside of Ionia.此电梯一直被沃尔科特电梯公司用于办公和零售,直到该公司在爱奥尼亚县外建了新办公单位。

7.The objectification of that child, her voice commodified for the purposes of the state, was the real ode to the motherland.这个孩子的声音是客体,为了整个国家的利益,化为一种对祖国最美丽的赞诗。

8.JPG is often used for web purposes.JPG通常用于网络目的。

9.XML data is often used for inter-apppcation data exchange and document management purposes.XML数据通常用于应用程序之间的数据交换和文档管理。

10.Microsoft may not pke the approach, but as Hanselman notes, at least Google is doing it for benevolent purposes.微软可能不会喜欢这样的做法,但如同Hanselman注意到的是至少谷歌是出于好意才这样做。