


美式发音: [pʊʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['pʊʃɪŋ]










v.1.The present participle of push

1.推人犯规 阻挡犯规- holding 推人犯规pushing 常规赛- regular season ...

2.有冲劲的 roz n. 警察 pushing adj. 有进取心的, 有冲劲的, 急切的 parrot n. 鹦鹉, 学舌者, 机械模仿别人的人 ...

3.推逼 roz n. 警察 pushing adj. 有进取心的, 有冲劲的, 急切的 parrot n. 鹦鹉, 学舌者, 机械模仿别人的人 ...

5.推动 ... promoting 促进; pushing 推动; determine 决定; ...

6.推入随后一小节介绍了三个和递归有关的术语:推入pushing),弹出(popping)、堆栈(stacks)。这三个术语第一次出现于上 …


1.I felt that he was again getting me off guard and pushing me into a corner in which I did not care to be.我觉得他又在出其不意地把我推到一个我不喜欢的角落里。

2.But Mr Son said he was not interested in pushing this point by fighting for stronger control of Yahoo globally.但孙正义表示,他无意争取对雅虎的更大控制权,以此来印证上述观点。

3.While we are on this subject, it should be noted that Microsoft is now pushing for a minimapst designs in version 1 of any pbrary.谈到这一问题,就不得不指出的是微软当前正在推动的一个活动,即针对所有库的第1个版本进行最低限度设计。

4.In her impatience she endeavoured to pass this obstacle by pushing her horse into what appeared to be a gap.她在一旁等得不耐烦,于是就朝着牛群中的空隙策马前进,打算越过这群障碍。

5.What was really encouraging us and pushing us on was that if we did not do this Gienek would be killed.真正鼓舞我们,促使我们行动的原因就是,如果我们不这么干,本德拉就没命了。

6.We decided to reach out to specific constituencies and the general pubpc directly, and to keep pushing the issues.我们决定直接接触具体的选区和广大民众,继续推行我们在关键问题上的政见。

7."Tell me what you do all day, " he said, crossing his arms under his tilted-back head, and pushing his hat forward to screen the sun-dazzle.“告诉我你整天干些什么,”他说,一面把两臂交叉在后翘的头下面,并把帽子向前推了推,挡住日射。

8.However, if she had seen her own dad pushing the heavy dung-cart in the shabby clothes as they were , how would that have made her feel?但如果她看见自己的父亲,衣衫褴褛,推着沉重的粪车,她又作何感想?我噙着眼里的泪水往回走。

9.The CSRC report, if genuine, suggests the matter is more serious since regulators are indeed pushing to restrict the structure.如果中国证监会的报告是真实的,说明事情更为严重,因为监管者们确实在推动限制这种结构。

10.The real danger is not the wind, though, it's the storm surge the wind will be pushing into the city from the Gulf through the lake.真正危险的不是风,而是飓风掀起的风暴潮会将海湾的海水涌入市区。