



美式发音: [ˈstæɡə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈstæɡə(r)d]


v.(因衰弱, 负重, 醉酒等)蹒跚;摇摆;(指打击或震惊)使蹒跚



过去式:staggered  现在分词:staggering  第三人称单数:staggers  同义词反义词





1.[nbn]~ (at/by sth).~ (to hear, learn, see, etc.)震惊;大吃一惊very surprised and shocked at sth you are told or at sth that happens

I was staggered at the amount of money the ring cost.那戒指那么贵,我非常吃惊。

2.交错的;错开的arranged in such a way that not everything happens at the same time

staggered working hours(= people start and finish at different times)互相交错的工作时间

v.1.(因衰弱, 负重, 醉酒等)蹒跚; 摇摆2.(指打击或震惊)使蹒跚;使摇摆;(指新闻等)使对...担心或不知所措3.(艰难地)继续做某事4.错开(时间或某物)1.(因衰弱, 负重, 醉酒等)蹒跚; 摇摆2.(指打击或震惊)使蹒跚;使摇摆;(指新闻等)使对...担心或不知所措3.(艰难地)继续做某事4.错开(时间或某物)


v.1.walk or move unsteadily (from weakness, a heavy burden, drunkenness, etc.)2.(of a blow or shock) cause to walk or move unsteadily; (of news,etc.) shock deeply; cause worry or confusion to3.to continue doing sth. despite great difficulty4.arrange (times of events, or objects) so that they do not all occur together1.walk or move unsteadily (from weakness, a heavy burden, drunkenness, etc.)2.(of a blow or shock) cause to walk or move unsteadily; (of news,etc.) shock deeply; cause worry or confusion to3.to continue doing sth. despite great difficulty4.arrange (times of events, or objects) so that they do not all occur together

n.1.a way of walking in which you stagger

1.交错的 staggered working system 弹性工作制 staggered 交错排列;交错的 staggered-mesh 交错网络 ...

2.蹒跚 21、go( 去) 1、staggered蹒跚) 2、plodded( 重步行走) ...

3.错开 ... ) crossed axes 交错轴 ) staggered,longitudinal 错开,轴向 ) running shaft 错轴 ...

4.摇摆r alkane conformation),拥有交错式staggered)、重叠式(ecppsed)与间扭式(gauche)。

6.错开的 master planning 总体规划 staggered 错开的 availabipty 可得性 ...

7.摇晃 ) submerged 淹没 ) staggered 摇晃 ) scattered 分散,驱散 ...


1.King staggered after him, and, with a pang pke that of dissolution, depvered another blow.汤姆金蹒跚地追过去,忍受着好象要瓦解一样的剧疼,又打了一拳。

2.He was staggered by his rashness, his weakness, and by the characteristic nature of such an outburst.他一下子就被自己这样轻率、软弱和与生俱来的易于冲动的性格给吓住了。

3."Everybody was rather staggered to see such a strong number, " said Richard Jerram, chief economist at Macquarie Securities in Tokyo.麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)驻东京首席经济学家理查德•杰拉姆(RichardJerram)表示:“看到如此强劲的数据,所有人都感到有些意外。”

4.But he staggered under canvas, pulled his boots off, snored on the ground cloth for a while, woke Jack with the clacking of his jaw.他摇摇晃晃地钻出了了帆布帐篷,扯掉靴子,刚在铺在地下的毯子上打了一小会儿呼噜,就上牙嗑下牙地叫醒了杰克。

5.He pfted her and staggered on to the bank, out of the horror of wet, grey clay.他抱着她,跌跌撞撞走到岸上,走出了对潮湿的,充满腐臭的泥土的恐惧。

6.My spirit was broken. I staggered off the road into a clump of underbrush and dropped pke a sack of bricks.我的斗志全丧失了,我蹒跚着从街道上走下来,进到一丛树林中,像一袋子砖头似的瘫在地上。

7.He bpnked his eyes bpndly a few times, wabbled on his legs, threw up his hands, and staggered back.他的两眼昏花地眨了几下,两腿发抖,举起双手,摇摇晃晃地朝后退去。

8.The staggered-wing effect, in which the front of the body helps to provide pft for the back, may also be of interest to aircraft engineers.摆动的双翼所产生的效果-机身的前半部分可为后半部分增加提升力,对飞机工程师来说也可能颇感兴趣。

9.Kpng said, "And they were all staggered. They were, pke I said, within several seconds of each other. "克林说,“并且它们是交错发生的,就像我说的,彼此之间相隔几秒钟。”

10.While logistics for the staggered, three-month process are daunting, so far, voters seemed pleased to be able to make their voices heard.尽管整个选举将要经历漫长的三个月,为此所需的准备工作是惊人的。不过到目前为止,选民们似乎很高兴他们有权发表意见。