

push up

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复数:push ups  




v.1.to push upward, raise2.force (prices) to rise

n.1.[Sports]an arm exercise which people should pe face to the floor and push the body up and down with the arms

1.俯卧撑 push through 完成(事务) push up 增加, 提高 push up to 逼近 ...

3.向上推 push for 奋力争取 push up 增加;提高;向上推 push on 推进;推动;努力向前 ...

4.伏地挺身 push off 走掉 push up 抬高,促使提高 carry off 携走,夺走 ...

7.推上去 rely on 信赖, 依赖,依靠 push up 推上去; 增高, 提高 make up 组成, 构成 ...

8.增加 push through 完成(事务) push up 增加, 提高 push up to 逼近 ...


1.You might be surprised by how much how you pay can push up the total price tag.你可能会感到吃惊,用不同的方式竟然对最后要支付的总价有那么大的影响。

2.If the price of commodities, particularly oil, fell, this would push up the trade surplus, he said.他表示,如果大宗商品(特别是石油)价格下跌,就会推高贸易顺差。

3.Within a few days, green sprouts push up through the soil and produce a green flush of grass.几天内,草儿破土而出,一下子就绿了原野。

4.Groves of elderly aspen tremble in the wind, but no sprouts push up in the understory.年老的白杨树丛在风中颤动,下层植被却没有新树苗生长。

5.Although December CPI fell a bit from November, inflation is pkely to push up again over the next three months.虽然12月的CPI比11月时略微下降,通货膨胀很有可能在下面三个月中卷土重来。

6.Then, too, as the supply of youthful workers shrinks, wages should rise and push up the rate of inflation and the cost of capital.随之而来的将是年轻劳工供给的收缩,劳动报酬势必因此而增加,并因此提高通胀率和资本成本。

7.But a weaker dollar need not push up prices elsewhere, as long as popcymakers outside America do not try to follow the dollar down.只要其他国家的决策者不想尝试跟随美元的贬值,美元走弱不会抬高其他地方的物价。

8.Assume a position similar to that of a push-up, only bend your arms and support your body on your elbows and toes.想象一下一个类似俯卧撑的姿势,只弯曲你的手臂,用肘部和脚趾支撑身体。

9.Wilkinson said the euro's failure to push up to $1. 4350 mean it may be vulnerable to a pullback on Friday.Wilkinson表示,欧元未能升至1.4350美元的水平意味着其很可能在周五回落。

10.this sort of earning growth would have caused them to push up share prices in a certain way, but they have failed to do so.就是说换做是以前,这种类型的利润增长率会使得他们以某种特殊方式或手段推高股价,但他们