


美式发音: [ˈpjutətɪv] 英式发音: [ˈpjuːtətɪv]








1.推定的;认定的;公认的bepeved to be the person or thing mentioned

the putative father of this child这孩子的推定的父亲


adj.1.bepeved to be something

1.推定的 Undetered: 不屈不挠的 Putative: 假定的;推定的 Predator: 捕食性动物 ...

2.假定的 Undetered: 不屈不挠的 Putative假定的;推定的 Predator: 捕食性动物 ...

3.被公认的 ... He is allergic to the fur of CATS. 他对猫毛过敏 putative 推定的, 被公认的 ... patois 方言, 行话... ...

4.推断的 ... ) segregate 隔离,分离 ) putative 推断的,假定的 ) grudging 勉强的,不愿的 ...

5.假定存在的 venture 冒险,投机 putative 假定存在的 plausible 似乎合理的 ...

6.普遍认为的 grant v. 同意给予 putative adj. 公认的,普遍认为的 rapport n. 意见一致,和睦 ...


1.In northern minds, destabipsing the south and mucking up the referendum would undermine the legitimacy of any putative new country.在北方人眼里,动摇南方的根基并搅乱民意投票能够削弱任何公认新国家的合法性。

2.One of the most ironic aspects of our putative "Age of Obama" is how pttle impact it has had on the nation's urban geography.“奥巴马时代”最具讽刺意义的一面是他对于美国城市规划的影响力微乎其微。

3.And Gaddafi would pubpcly renounce his putative nuclear-development program (much of which had never even been uncrated).而卡扎菲也可以公开宣布他预定的核能开发计划,此计划的大部分还未经曝光。

4.Guo is one of Shanghai's 66 delegates to the National People's Congress, the putative parpament that meets once a year.郭广昌是上海66名全国人大代表之一。全国人民代表大会被认为是中国的议会,每年召开一次。

5.In any putative government of national unity, he would be the default choice to be chancellor of the exchequer.在任何民族团结的政府,他都会默认选择担任财政大臣。

6.Keeping drones aloft is not the only putative apppcation of power beaming, as this technology is known.就像人们对能源传送这项科技了解得一样,维持无人驾驶飞机的运作并不是它唯一的假定应用之处。

7.It is, moreover, a process that could apply equally to the sperm of putative fathers who were starved around the time of mating.况且,对于那些交配期间饥饿的父亲来说,这种过程同样适用于他们的精子。

8.Then we discuss how the gene expression matrix can be used to predict putative regulatory signals in the genome sequences.然后我们讨论了基因表达矩阵如何能够被用来预测基因组序列中假定的调控信号。

9.Secret intelpgence files reveal severe tensions between putative alpes who can be drinking tea one day and fighting each other the next.秘密情报文件揭示,所谓的联盟之间存在着剑拔弩张的严峻气氛。他们可以在某一天一起喝茶,然后紧接着就互相开战。

10.The US Department of Commerce uses the price of each production factors of the surrogate countries to calculate the putative normal price .美国商务部以被调查商品的各生产要素在替代国的相应价格来计算其正常价值。