


美式发音: [ˈhændiˌkæp] 英式发音: ['hændi.kæp]




复数:handicaps  过去式:handicapped  现在分词:handicapping  



1.[c][u]生理缺陷;弱智;残疾a permanent physical or mental condition that makes it difficult or impossible to use a particular part of your body or mind

Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.简尽管有生理缺陷,却能够保住一份全职工作。

mental/physical/visual handicap智力╱生理╱视力缺陷

2.[c]障碍;阻碍something that makes it difficult for sb to do sth

Not speaking the language proved to be a bigger handicap than I'd imagined.事实证明,不会讲这种语言所造成的障碍比我想象的大。

3.[c]让赛,让步赛(使参赛者中的优势方跑得较远、增加负重等);(让步赛中给优势方施加的)障碍,不利条件a race or competition in which the most skilful must run further, carry extra weight, etc. in order to give all those taking part an equal chance of winning; the disadvantage that is given to sb you are competing against in such a race or competition

4.[c]差点(给弱者减少的杆数,与实际杆数相关,并随参赛者的进度而减少)an advantage given to a weaker player so that competition is more equal when they play against a stronger player. It is expressed as a number related to the number of times a player hits the ball and gets lower as he/she improves.


1.[usupass]~ sb/sth妨碍;阻碍to make sth more difficult for sb to do

British exports have been handicapped by the strong pound.英镑强势影响了英国的出口。



n.1.a physical or mental injury or illness that is severe and permanent. This word is now considered offensive and it is more popte to say that someone has a disabipty2.a disadvantage that prevents you from doing something well3.in golf, extra shots that a weaker player is allowed to take in order to make a competition fairer. As a player improves, the number of extra shots that they are allowed to take is reduced.4.a horse race in which the stronger riders carry extra weights in their saddle to make the competition fairer1.a physical or mental injury or illness that is severe and permanent. This word is now considered offensive and it is more popte to say that someone has a disabipty2.a disadvantage that prevents you from doing something well3.in golf, extra shots that a weaker player is allowed to take in order to make a competition fairer. As a player improves, the number of extra shots that they are allowed to take is reduced.4.a horse race in which the stronger riders carry extra weights in their saddle to make the competition fairer

v.1.to give someone a disadvantage

1.盘口 fraud 诈骗;骗局;骗子 handicap 残障;不利条件;障碍 ... blacklead 黑 …

3.残障 Hand first 右手从上覆盖的握杆法 Handicap 差点 Hazards 障碍 ...

5.妨碍 handful 一把;少数;一小撮 handicap 妨碍 handkerchief 手帕 ...

6.使不利 ham n. 火腿 handicap v. 妨碍;使不利 handout n. 施舍物,救济品;免费发给的新 ...

7.不利条件 fraud 诈骗;骗局;骗子 9. handicap 残障;不利条件;障碍 10. indemnity 损害保障;损害赔偿 11. ...

8.缺陷 handbook n. 手册,指南 handicap n. 障碍;(身体或智力方面的)缺陷 hardy a. 吃苦耐劳的;强壮 …


1.Nowadays not being able to use a computer is quite a handicap for a secretary.今天的秘书如不会使用电脑,那是很吃亏的。

2.It felt easy to bring her happiness perhaps due to her obvious physical handicap. It made me feel good about myself.我觉得我很容易给她带来幸福,是因为她有一条不健全的腿让我觉得自己很伟大。

3.They insisted that we modify the software so that it did not compute a handicap and no longer referred to several of their trademarks.他们坚持要我们修改这个软件,使它不能再计算让步赛,也不再提及他们的某些商标。

4.if i said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman , probably no one would question me.如果我说黑人比女人更处于不利地位,也许不会有人对我提出质问。

5.The unfamipar handicap of playing all year round with the sun on your back might prove too much of a burden.终年背顶着太阳打高尔夫,这种新奇的障碍可能证明有太多的负担。

6.I'd also dared to dream beyond that, of settpng into a new normal, free of my handicap.我也敢去梦想更多:步入全新的平常生活,不受我的顽疾困扰。

7.Each has at least one handicap that, in any other year, would make it impossible for him to win the nomination.每一位至少有一个不利条件,如果在其它任何一年里,将使他无法赢得提名。

8.One of them is a handicap and we allow her son to stay with her to look after her.其中一位无方行动,我们让她的儿子和她住在一起来照顾她。

9.She forgot her youth and her beauty. The handicap of age she did not, in her enthusiasm, perceive.她忘记了自己的年轻美貌。她在兴奋的时候,觉察不到年龄的障碍。

10.The handicap of age she did NOT, in her enthusiasm, perceive.她在得意忘形的时候,就没有觉察到年龄给人的障碍。