


美式发音: [pə'dʒɑ:mə] 英式发音: [pə'dʒɑ:mə]





1.(一些亚洲国家男女围腰而系的)宽松裤loose trousers/pants tied at the waist and worn by men or women in some Asian countries

He was dressed in a pyjama and kurta, ideal for a summer evening.他穿着宽松裤和库尔塔衫,是夏日夜晚的理想穿着。


1.睡衣类 ♀les bas 下装 ♀pyjama 睡衣类 ♀ballerines 单鞋 ...

2.男睡衣 ... Cravate 领带 Pyjama 男睡衣 Chaussettes 袜子 ...

3.睡衣裤的 fraiser n. 障碍物 pyjama adj. 睡衣裤的, 组成睡衣裤的 rejoins vt. 使再结合, 再加入, 再回答 ...

4.睡衣-nightwear ... 举重 weightpfting 睡衣-nightwear/ Pyjama dictaphone,dictating machine 录音机 ...

5.组成睡衣裤的 fraiser n. 障碍物 pyjama adj. 睡衣裤的, 组成睡衣裤的 rejoins vt. 使再结合, 再加入, 再回答 ...

6.六带拟唇鱼 ‧ 六带塘醴 Gobies. Sixspot goby ‧ 六带拟唇鱼 Pyjama ‧ 六斑九棘鲈 Sixblotch hind ...

7.常用复数形式睡衣裤 housework n. 家务 pyjama n. 常用复数形式(宽 大的)睡衣裤 weigh vt. 称重量 ...


1.And there was a roust of the pyjama-clad as the first polar bear was spotted, after hours, by Johan up in the crow's nest.几小时后,乔纳在瞭望台上看见了第一头北极熊,唤起了身穿睡衣的大家。

2.But opponents of the pyjama purge spoke out in support of their sartorial preferences.但是那些对‘禁止睡衣‘持反对意见的人则大胆的说出了他们对衣着喜好的支持。

3.He nods. Ann, suddenly panicked, feels under the sheets for her pyjama bottoms.他点点头。安妮突然很惊慌,她在被单底下摸她的睡裤。

4.Make a mistake, and a swarm of furious pyjama-clad scribes will pounce.一旦出错,就会有一群穿着睡衣横眉竖眼的写手冲来。

5.On Hallowe'en the first Pyjama Protection League members wore their Shanghai nightwear with pride.在万圣节夜暨第一届保护睡衣同盟会上,会员们无比自豪地穿着他们的上海式夜装。

6.Boys carry a candle and wear a kind of white pyjama. They wear hats that are pointy with golden stars on them.男孩子手拿蜡烛,穿着白色长袍,戴着画有金色星星的帽子。