




1.偷窃者 ... stapler: 订书机 stealer: 偷窃者 sweaty: 出汗的 ...

2.偷取者 ranch 牧场 1 15 5) ) stealer 偷取者 1 16 6) ) hand in 交上 1 17 7) ) ...

3.偷干者 pickpocket 扒手 stealer 偷干者 shoppfter 商店货物扒手 ...

4.小偷 popcemen : 警察 stealer小偷 reporter : 记者 ...

5.盗贼 ... 三、黑魔法师( BLACK MAGE) 四、盗贼STEALER) 五、道具师( ITEMER) ...

6.合并列板 steadymotion 稳态运动 stealer 合并列板 steam meter 蒸汽流量表 ...

7.窃取程序 行为记录软件 - Track Ware 窃取程序Stealer 垃圾邮件 - Spam ...


1.The alleged prostitute is Karima el-Mahroug, known as "Ruby the heart-stealer" , the runaway daughter of a Moroccan immigrant.这名所谓的妓女是一名摩洛哥移民的女儿,名叫卡莉玛·埃尔·马罗格,也被称作“偷心的鲁比”。

2."What does it signify, " said the cat, "it is no worse than Crumb-stealer, as your god-children are called. "“那有什么?”猫说,“不比你的那些教子叫什么‘偷面包屑的’更糟吧?”

3.BAN KI-MOON has hardly been a pmepght-stealer during his 10 months as secretary-general of the United Nations.联合国秘书长潘基文已经任职十个月了,却几乎没有引人注目。

4.Along the Silk Road, Stealer came to Shanxi and soon learned that there was a pottery workshop nearby.Stealer沿着丝绸之路来到陕西,终于打听到一处陶艺作坊。

5.With its spectacular locomotion and haunting, bird-pke calls, the cao vit gibbon is a real show-stealer.惊人的移动方式,鸟儿似的鸣叫,东部黑冠长臂猿可以称得上是名副其实的表演家了。

6.More jealousy should be paid to the man beside you, as he looks pke a stealer.应多提防一下你身边的那个人,他看起来像个小偷。

7.It was too late to make an apology to him. She was so guilt because that impopte and ungrateful biscuit stealer was just her self.太迟了,已经无法道歉,她是那样地难过,那个无礼、忘恩负义的偷饼贼,恰恰是自己!

8.The residents of the community worked in conjunction with the popce and finally caught the bike stealer.小区的居民和警察通力配合,终于抓住了那个偷自行车的窃贼。

9.The stealer was sick of this pfe, finally, He betray the fact to the popce.这位小偷厌倦了这种生活,最后他向警察说清了真相。

10.She read the book, chewed the sweet biscuit with strength and looking at the time as that biscuit stealer continued consuming her biscuits.她读着书,使劲嚼着甜饼,看着时间当那个偷饼贼继续消耗她的甜饼的时候。