


美式发音: [pəˈdʒɑməz] 英式发音: [pəˈdʒɑːməz]







1.(一套)睡衣裤a loose jacket and trousers/pants worn in bed

a pair of pyjamas一套睡衣



na.1.The variant of pajamas

1.睡衣 卫衣 hoodies 睡衣 pyjamas 帽子 hat ...

2.睡衣裤 nightgown,nightdress 女睡衣 pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作 lapel (上衣)翻领 ...

3.睡衣套装 Karate 空手道服式睡衣 Pyjamas 睡衣套装 Vest / Waistcoat 背心 ...

4.裤装睡衣 波洛领带/ Bola Tie 裤装睡衣Pyjamas 手提包/ Bags ...

5.宽松裤 pyjamas 睡衣裤, 宽松裤... ingredient 成分, 因素 ... ...

6.日韩卡通睡衣 ... 顾客须知 Conditions 2011-06-01 日韩卡通睡衣 Pyjamas 情侣装 Couple Shi…

7.睡衣听力 ... UNIT 3-Lesson 21 Pyjamas 睡衣听力 [下载 UNIT 3-Lesson 22 Days of the Week 星期听力 [下载 ...


1.It's easy to develop with Pyjamas because you can use the same debugging tools that you usually use for Python.用Pyjamas进行开发很容易,因为可以使用平时使用的Python调试工具。

2.She ran out in her pyjamas to tell men who were cutting trees nearby.穿着睡衣的她,跑到外面告诉正在附近砍树的人们。

3.As I type this I'm in my pyjamas. I don't think I could be saying that if I'd gone to work for Big Corporate plc.写这篇稿子时,我正穿着睡衣。假如去大公司工作的话,我想我就没法儿这么说了。

4.There is still a taboo on nudity in the office, and I don't think I've seen anyone at a desk wearing a pair of flannel pyjamas.现在办公场所仍禁止裸体,此外,我也没见过有谁穿法兰绒睡衣上班。

5.Maurice never let them out of his pocket, changing them from suit to suit and even pinning them in his pyjamas when he went to bed.莫瑞斯总是随身携带着它们,每次换衣服就把它们移到另一件衣服的兜里。睡觉时,甚至用别针别在睡衣上。

6.They discovered a mummified body, bepeved to be Kato, lying in his bed, wearing underwear and pyjamas, covered with a blanket.在床上,他们发现了被毛毯盖着的尸体,尸体套上内衣盒睡衣。这具干尸被认为是加藤先生的。

7.Mike said the Christmas snap of the dad without his shirt on and the rest of his family in pyjamas was one of his favourites.麦克说,那张爸爸没穿上衣而他的家人都穿睡衣的圣诞快照是他最喜欢的其中一张。

8.It's been such a popular habit over the years that some restaurants have signs outside in Chinese saying "No pyjamas" .这个习惯已流行多年,在有些餐馆门口你会看到告示牌上以中文大书道“穿睡衣者勿入”。

9.If he tells you you're pretty when you are cuddled up in your pyjamas then chances are that he means it.如果当你缩在睡衣里时,他说你很美,那么他说的很可能是真心话。

10.Even at night, my bedroom is not totally dark because my pyjamas glow in the dark.即使在夜晚,我的卧室不会完全黑压压的。因为我的睡衣会发光。