


美式发音: [ˈpɪrəmɪd] 英式发音: ['pɪrəmɪd]







1.(古埃及的)金字塔a large building with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top. The ancient Egyptians built stone pyramids as places to bury their kings and queens.

2.锥体;棱锥体a sopd shape with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top

3.金字塔形的物体(或一堆东西)an object or a pile of things that has the shape of a pyramid

a pyramid of cans in a shop window商店橱窗中摆成金字塔形的罐头

4.金字塔式的组织(或系统)an organization or a system in which there are fewer people at each level as you get near the top

a management pyramid金字塔式管理系统



n.1.a large stone structure with a square base and walls with three sides that meet at a point on the top of the structure. The most famous ones, known as the Pyramids, were built in ancient Egypt in order to bury kings.2.an object with the shape of a pyramid; a pile of things arranged in the shape of a pyramid3.an organization or system that has fewer people at each level as you get toward the top

1.金字塔 BLAST( 概念机) Pyramid( 金字塔) Thunderbolt( 霹雳) ...

2.棱锥 棱柱〖 prism〗 棱锥pyramid〗 棱堡〖 bastion〗 ...

3.锥体 repc n 遗物;遗迹;纪念物 pyramid n (古代埃及的)金字塔;锥体 △ Egypt n 埃及 △ ...

4.角锥体 Torus〈 圆环体〉 Pyramid角锥体〉 Plane〈 平面〉 ...

5.四棱锥 Put 输出 Pyramid 四棱锥 create 1-Rail Sweep 创建1-围栏 ...

6.棱锥面 purge 清理 清除 pyramid 棱锥面 三角锥体 QDIM 快速标注 快速标注 ...

7.角锥形 puzzled a. 迷惑的,困惑的 pyramid n. 角锥形,金字塔 quapty n. 质量,性质 ...


1.Eric: Like a masterpiece, you know, we'll have, pke, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky, and then you guys can. . .埃里克:像杰作,你知道,我们将像,这是从天上疯狂金字塔下降,然后你们可以…

2.the greatness of the city of Rome due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as the stones it comprised of.就象罗马城的伟大是其各个部分组合出来的,金字塔的坚固程度也取决于取决构建它的石块。

3.In this new demo, there was a 1up mushroom sitting high up on a pyramid, and I had to shoot myself out of a cannon to reach it.在这次这个新测试版里,有一个蘑菇高坐在金字塔上,我不得不把自己通过加农炮发射出去够它。

4."The managers are at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting and maintaining a balance for the rest of the pyramid, " a caption explains.经理们总在这个金字塔的底端,支持和保障金字塔的其他部分的平衡。

5."Novel" is the ultimate goal, it needs to be divided into front in different stages of the target, pke the same step by step pyramid piles.“小说”是最终的目标,那么前面就需要划分各个不同阶段的目标,就像金字塔一样一步一步堆起来的。

6.But there was no one to hear them; down there under the streets of Paris we were as secure as at the heart of a pyramid.但是没人能听到,在巴黎的街道之下,我们就像在金字塔的中心一样,不怕给人听到。

7.The next time you have to build a golden pyramid and don't want to go broke, well, you know where to put the top.下次你再想建造个金字塔的时候,如果不想破产的话,你知道在哪里建塔顶了吧,如果这个讲的有点快。

8.The false deserters had been imprisoned safely in the bowels of the pyramid . . . but Daario's rage continued to fester.虚伪的背弃者被安全的关在金字塔的最深处……但是达里奥的怒火依旧蔓延。

9.Mr. Murong said he had not posted his last book, a nonfiction work about a pyramid scheme, for that reason.慕容先生说他没有发布他的上一本书,因为是关于权力金字塔的非小说。

10.The surface of his pyramid used to shine with smooth white pmestone, and its top came to a sharp point.以前,大金字塔表面光滑的白石灰石非常耀眼,塔的顶端很尖。