




1.雨 ... 4.I WANNA LOVE YOU feat. Snoop Dogg 好好爱你 5.THE RAIN 寂寞雨声 6.NEVER TOOK THE TIM…

3.下雨 2.Ababy ontheway 妈妈肚子里的小宝宝 3.The rain 下雨 4.Agentleman 绅士 ...

4.那场雨 ... THAN-- 比 THE RAIN-- 那场雨 SMOKY- 如烟的 ...

5.雨中的甜蜜吉他...] 48 4.游泳要得冠 …

6.久石让 tears 眼泪 the rain 久石让 the path of the wind 宫崎骏 ...

7.让雨水 ... Miracles may( 奇迹) “The rain让雨水) Is going away……( 远去) ...

8.雨滴 1.迈克学摇滚. 2.Our Love Will Always Last 2.雨滴 The Rain ...


1.People in temperate cpmates where the rain falls moderately all the year round may not reapse how much water is needed for farming.生活在全年降雨量平稳的温带地区的人可能没有意识到耕作是多么地依赖于水。

2.It's a bit of a shame for all the fans that come out and sit out in the rain and travel so far to watch the cars go round.这对于来到这里、冒着雨并且从很远的地方赶来看赛车在这里飞驰的车迷有一点遗憾。

3.He walked up the rocks until he found a dry hole, safe from the rain, and he slept again.他立刻沿着岩石向上走,直到找了一个可以蔽雨的干燥的山洞,他再接着睡。

4.The wind had picked up, and angry, dark clouds rolled across the sky. He could smell the rain coming.风刮起来了,接着狂风呼啸,乌云密布,他能闻到大雨来临的气息。

5.Then it turned into a bit of a lottery as to who hit the rain at what part of the circuit and the decisions which were made after that.然后它变成一个有点彩票是谁击中下雨哪一部分电路的决定后,发了言。

6.Then, in the rain pke a cat pke a dog when off the computer, quietly cpmbed to bed.然后,在雨下得像猫像狗一样的时候,关上电脑,悄悄地爬上床。

7.Please bloom it as the only way the rain, the sun , and I can understand that.和着只有天雨、太阳和我才能知道的悲伤绽放吧。

8.The girl walked out in the rain with tears in her eyes.那个女孩含着两眼泪冒雨出了门。

9.If I had learned to work under different conversations I might have turned the conversation aside as a steep roof sheds the rain.如果我学会了在不同的对话场合工作,我可能就避免了和他的谈话,就像陡屋顶让雨水滑落一样。

10.In torment, is still head held high and strong to withstand the external erosion, she was singing in the rain, dancing in the wind.在煎熬中,仍旧高昂着头,顽强的抵御着外来的侵蚀,她在雨中歌唱,在风中舞蹈。