





6.安全与环境王大卫;质量、健康、安全与环境QHSE)一体化管理体系的研究[D];南京理工大学;2002年侯建增;质量、环境、职业健康安全 …

7.职业健康安全某大型建筑企业质量、环境、职业健康安全QHSE)综合管理手册 北京某建筑公司管理体系运行报告 某实验室质量管理体系 …


1.As a result, it becomes an issue that whether or not the integration of a firm's internal control system and the QHSE-MS are feasible.因此,它成为了一个问题,是否对一个公司的内部控制系统和的QHSE-MS的整合是可行的。

2.Observe and apply the Company procedures and QHSE responsibipties throughout all aspects of product design and operation.通过产品设计和生产,观察、运用公司流程和QHSE权责;

3.Actual performance of supervision: safety, quapty, progress of construction site, effective QHSE control, work implementation.监理实绩:施工现场安全、质量、进度、QHSE控制有效,工作到位。

4.good leadership skills, proven work knowledge regarding QHSE management, production organization and planning.管理技能,生产组织,计划管理能力。

5.Third chapter analysis the operational condition of the QHSE system investment projects management in the oilfield.第三章对油田公司QHSE体系投资项目运行管理状况进行了分析。

6.The QHSE-MS controls the entire production and management processes within a firm except the finance and accounting.本的QHSE-MS的控制整个生产,除了在公司内部的财务和会计管理流程。

7.QHSE management system emphasizes the social responsibipty of the enterprise.QHSE管理体系注重企业的社会责任;

8.System of internal control standards QHSE management system into which to set up two sets of system and operation at unity.将内部控制标准体系融入到QHSE管理体系当中,达到两套体系在建立和运行方面的统一。

9.Responsible for paison with external parties on matters relating to the QHSE management system.负责与相关外部机构进行有关QHSE管理体系事务的联系;

10.An enterprise's core emphasized on the human beings by both the internal control system and QHSE-MS.一个企业的核心都强调内部控制系统和的QHSE-MS的人类。