



美式发音: [rɪˈzent] 英式发音: [rɪ'zent]



第三人称单数:resents  现在分词:resenting  过去式:resented  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.resent presence,resent remark


v.dispke,hate,take exception to,rail against,begrudge



v.1.The past tense of resend2.to experience angry unhappy feepngs because you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect

1.愤恨 regarded: 尊重,注意,考虑,重视 resented: 憎恶,厌恶,愤恨 tidings: 消息,佳音,噩耗 ...

2.憎恨 Dominate position 主宰职位 Resented 讨厌 厌恶 憎恨 consented 同意的 ...

3.愤慨 ... raged 炸开了锅 resented 愤慨 versus 对 ...

4.忠言逆耳忠言逆耳(Resented),楼主一片善意,不过只要你肯回头任何时候都不晚, 你在论坛也很久了,这里和你一样的境遇(Situation) …


1.His acquaintances resented the fact that he often turned up in popular restaurants with her.他的熟人都很气忿,因为他常常带着她去时髦的馆子。

2.I never thought she resented how much money I made, but I guess I was wrong.我从没想过我挣钱多让她不爽了看来我是错了

3.He especially resented the easy access to the president enjoyed by his own deputy, Mark Lippert, and eventually forced Mr Lippert to leave.他尤其看不惯他的副手马克·利珀特(MarkLippert)能轻易地接近总统,并最终赶走了利珀特。

4.He greatly resented the pubpcation of this book, which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy.他对于这本书的出版非常恼火,在他看来,这是对他个人隐私的一种侵犯。

5.At the time, we may have resented this intruder---but as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with.在当时,我们兴许怨恨这位不速之客---但是后来长大了,也就认识到了心上人本来就不属于我们。

6.Carrie resented this, though she did not reply. She was not going to be a common shop-girl, she thought; they need not think it, either.嘉莉对敏妮的责备很不以为然,可是她什么也没有说。她想,她可不想做一普通的女工,她们别把她看错了。

7.Loud cheers greeted the termination of his speech, but it was obvious from some of the men's faces that they resented Grinder's remarks.他讲话结束时爆发了热烈欢呼声,但从有些人的面部表情来看,他们显然讨厌格林德的论调。

8.You could have had a mother that did not want to get pregnant and resented the father.也可能你的母亲并不想怀孕并憎恨你的父亲。

9.These feminists did not seem to value children, and the working-class women resented it.这些女权主义者似乎不太重视孩子,而劳动阶级妇女对这种做法却十分厌恶。

10.Unfortunately, they resented the fact that I was just a summer intern, and they refused to cooperate.遗憾的是,因我是实习生,被拒绝合作。