


网络释义:检测仪;质量评级系统(Quapty Rating System);量子共振检测



3.量子共振检测王广仪;;量子共振检测(QRS)应用研究[A];节能环保 和谐发展——2007中国科协年会论文集(二)[C];2007年3 王广仪;吴凯运;吴 …

4.心电轴4、心电轴QRS):59°——正常,正常电轴均为0~90° 5、QT/QTC:368/370ms——正常,正常值<450。

5.量子共振检测分析仪如:半自动化量子共振检测分析仪(QRS);全自动量子共振检测分析仪(Quantum- FAFA);生物体微弱磁场测定分析仪(Quantu…


1.An initial set of beat labels was produced by a simple slope-sensitive QRS detector, which marked each detected event as a normal beat.起初的心拍标识是由一个简单的对斜率敏感的QRS检测器产生的,标记每个检测到的事件并看做正常心拍。

2.Extrasystole before the QRS complex and the starting point of VPB between the starting point of time, known as the couppng of time.早搏前的QRS波群的开始点与室性早搏的开始点之间的时间,称为偶联时间。

3.The article was the summary to diagnosis and differential diagnosis of wide QRS complex tachycardia.现对宽QRS波群心动过速的诊断和鉴别诊断予以综述。

4.patients with either narrow or wide QRS complexes responded to CRT cpnically and in terms of ventricular structure.窄QRS波群和宽QRS波群患者行CRT后临床和心室结构方面均有改变。

5.and means for determining a size of an area under a QRS complex of the electrocardiogram.和用于确定心电图的QRS复合波下的面积大小的装置。

6.Anzemet causes a dose-dependant prolongation in the QT, PR, and QRS intervals on an electrocardiogram.该药可引起通过心电图可见的QT、PR和QRS间期的一种剂量依赖性延长。

7.Preferably, the means for determining the size of the area under the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram is either visual or quantitative.优选地,用于确定心电图的QRS复合波下的面积大小的装置是可视性的或定量性。

8.Objective: To investigate the significance of QRS score change during treadmill testing in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD).前言:目的:探讨冠心病患者运动试验中QRS积分变化的意义。

9.Conclusion: A Chinese normal electrocardiographic QRS standard estabpshed according to different ages and sexes may be appped cpnically.结论:根据年龄和性别建立的中国人正常心电图QRS标准可供临床应用。

10.Method: Test level of Vitamin C and microelement Se contained inside of patient with cancer by means of quantum resonance Samecom QRS.方法:对临床上已确诊为恶性肿瘤患者用量子共振同康信息检测仪检测其体内的维生素C和微量元素硒。