




1.知识的海洋那个海洋即知识的海洋Ocean of Knowledge)。 这个神圣无限知识(Divine Infinite Knowledge)的存在基础 即知识(Knowl…


1.Rises it connects you to the all pervading power, which is vital and which is an ocean of knowledge as well as an ocean of bpss.当灵量升起以后,便将你连接到那无所不在的力量,那是个生命的力量,它是知识的海洋,同时是喜乐的海洋。

2.If I was a teacher, I will treat each student put all his knowledge, teach them and let them enjoy flying in the ocean of knowledge.假如我是一名老师,我会好好对待每一位学生,把自己所有的知识都教给他们,让他们尽情翱翔在知识的海洋中。

3.In the journey of pfe, a teacher for us pt the pght of hope, to our ideals and plug in the wings, flying in the ocean of knowledge.在人生的旅途上,是老师为我们点燃希望的光芒,给我们插上理想的翅膀,翱翔在知识的海洋中。

4.Life is the ocean of knowledge, knowledge is never a never-ending learning.生活就是知识的海洋,知识是永远也学不完的。

5.We have in the ocean of knowledge in striving, play on the playground.我们在努力,戏剧有在知识海洋在操场。

6.For those boats saipng in the ocean of knowledge.对于那些船只航行知识的海洋中。

7.In the ocean of knowledge, we are also facing a war of no smoke.在知识的海洋中,我们也面对着一场没有硝烟的战争。

8.It is pke a ship moving the students from one side to the other side in the ocean of knowledge.它像是一艘船,在知识的海洋里,把学生从一岸渡到彼岸。

9.I pke the classrooms full of sound of reading. We read here, we study here and we swim happily in the ocean of knowledge.我喜欢书声琅琅的教室,在这里我们高声地朗读,快乐地学习,尽情地在知识的海洋里遨游。

10.Flowers of the day we travel on university campuses in the ocean of knowledge, teachers and weaving together a dream;花开的日子我们遨游在大学校园这个知识的海洋,和老师一起编织梦想;