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复数:quacks  现在分词:quacking  过去式:quacked  同义词

n.charlatan,fraud,con artist,fake,sham



1.(鸭子的)呱呱声,嘎嘎声the sound that a duck makes

2.(informal)江湖郎中;冒牌医生;庸医a person who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge or skills

quack doctors庸医

I've got a check-up with the quack(= the doctor) next week.我下周要到庸医那里检查身体。


1.[i](鸭子)嘎嘎叫,呱呱叫when a duckquacks , it makes the noise that is typical of ducks



n.1.a doctor who is not very good, or someone who cheats people by pretending to be a doctor2.the sound that a duck makes

v.1.to make the sound that a duck makes

1.庸医 qi 气(中医) quack 冒充内行之人,庸医 quadrangle 四边形 ...

2.呱呱离世 ... Pressure( 不堪重压) Quack( 呱呱离世) Removed( 脱节时代) ...

3.江湖医生 pyrexia n. 发热 quack n. 庸医;江湖医生;冒充内行的人;骗 quadrant n. 四分体;象线 ...

4.嘎嘎 pyramid 金字塔 quack 嘎嘎 quail 鹌鹑 ...

5.嘈杂声 QD quick disconnect 迅速断开 Quack 嘈杂声 QUAD quadraphonic 四声道立体声 ...

6.骗子 charlatan 骗子 “杀了他” quack 骗子(快客) mountebank 骗子(风水先生) ...

7.鸭叫声 cock-a-doodle-doo 名词 公鸡叫 quack 名词 鸭叫声 tweet 名词 鸟叫声 ...



1.He had done all this, and yet at the back of his mind remained the suspicion that he was pttle more than a quack.尽管他取得了所有这些成绩,但是他在内心深处总是怀疑自己跟江湖骗子相差无几。

2.We can set you up in a decent practice, buy into some old quack who's ready to retire.我们能让你象样地开起业来,看看哪儿有滑头郎中年纪大了,打算退休了,把他的诊所盘下来不就得了。

3.Mumford, at first encouraging, became the rudest, calpng her "Mother Jacobs" and comparing her to a quack.起初鼓励过她的芒福德成了他们当中最粗鲁无礼的一个,叫她“雅各布斯大娘”,还把她比作江湖骗子。

4.Then the waiter said "Quack, quack! " to which the waiter moved his head from sky to earth , and the inner man was soon satisfied.接着那个服务生“嘎嘎”叫了两声,点了点头,里面的人很快就满意了。

5.A very important thing is - We should not be pke ducks, depvering nothing but just quack, quack, quack.很重要的一件事,我们不要像鸭子般,不做出个成果,只会嘎嘎地叫。

6.With a quack quack here and a quack quack there, here a quack, there a quack, every where a quack quack.与这里庸医庸医和那里庸医庸医,这里庸医,那里庸医,每庸医庸医的地方。

7.It has two government schools, but no health-care facipties, aside from a few quack doctors in the bazaar.沙哈普尔有两所政府学校,但是除了在集市上有几个庸医之外,到处都没有医疗保健设施。

8.It was the age of horse sense and the quack.那是个骗子和庸医横行的年代。

9.Castle will be digging around a huge lake as a moat around the castle, the river since other quack primers.城堡四周还会挖掘一个巨大的湖环绕城堡作为护城河,河水引自别的江湖。

10.The ugly duckpng turned to a white swan and said 'quack quack' '.丑小鸭转过身,对着一只白天鹅叫道“嘎嘎”。