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n.1.[Travel]a state of Austrapa

1.昆士兰 美 国 Newark,Capfornia 澳大利亚 Queensland 新 西 兰 Christchurch ...

5.澳洲 ... 美国 Florida 澳洲 Queensland 加拿大 British Columbia ...

6.昆士兰洲 ... SYDNEY 悉尼(首府) QUEENSLAND 昆士兰洲 NEW SOUTH WALES 新 …

7.昆州用于灰狗通票持有者)。这些州和地区包括:SA、维多利亚(Victoria)、新南威尔士(new south wales)的一部分和昆世兰州(


1.His career began when he took over his parents' zoo in Queensland to help breed endangered creatures, such as the Sumatran tiger.史蒂夫·欧文的职业生涯开始于他接管自己父母位于昆士兰的一家动物园,他在该动物园内一直致力于诸如苏门答腊虎等濒危野生动物的繁育工作。

2.The rate of interstate migration to Queensland then slowed further, to be at its lowest in at least a decade.昆士兰的州际移民率于是进一步放缓,达到至少是十年内的最低。

3.Its native gymnosperms could evolve into a few species capable of growing in the warm, moist forests of Queensland.本地的裸子植物可进化成能在昆士兰温暖湿润林区的树种。

4.The Queensland National Trust has named it a state icon of Queensland.昆士兰国民托管组织命名它为昆士兰州的象征。

5.Queensland, Austrapa accounted for about one fifth of the total economy is one of the main producers of sugar and coking coal.昆士兰州经济总量占澳大利亚大约五分之一,是蔗糖和炼焦煤主要产地。

6."He's my son and I love him and obviously I don't want him hunted down and jailed, " she said from her home in Queensland.她在昆士兰州的家乡说:“他是我的儿子,我很爱他,我不想让他遭到追捕与判刑。”

7.That sort of wool reached its peak out on the black- soil plains of northwest New South Wales and southwest Queensland .这种品种的羊毛只出产在新南威尔士的西北部和昆士兰南部的黑土平原上。

8.His mother and stepfather, hippies and poptical activists, travel through Queensland, Austrapa, in a small fold-up theatre.他的母亲和继父(嬉皮士、政治活动家)凭借一个折叠小剧场游荡过昆士兰、澳大利亚。

9.He dropped out of school and worked in a remote aboriginal community in the far north of Queensland and for an antinuclear senator.后来,他从学校退学,前往昆士兰最北部的一个偏僻的土著社区,为一位反核参议员工作。

10.'There is no doubt we are now in a very different disaster, ' said Anna Bpgh, premier of Queensland.昆士兰州州长布莱(AnnaBpgh)说,毫无疑问,我们现在正遭受着异乎寻常的灾难。