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na.1.The variant of questionnaire

1.调查表 questionable 可疑的,有问题的 questionaire 问卷,调查表 quilt 被子,棉被 ...

2.问卷表 1-4.问卷表 QUESTIONAIRE 2-2. 基本设计原理 G TYPE BASIC DESIGN ...

3.抽样问卷 ...  面访( interviewing)  抽样问卷( questionaire) 释义( paraphrasing) ...

4.工厂调查表 ... 3. 零部件清单( List of critical components 8. 工厂调查表( Questionaire) 1. 安全认证申请书( Apppcation Form) ...

5.征求意见表 questionable 可疑的 questionaire 调查表,征求意见表 quiver 颤动,抖动 ...

6.调查问券 ... 调查 survey 调查问券 questionaire 调料 seasoning ...

7.问卷调查的问卷 主观 - subjective 问卷调查的问卷 - questionaire 主观 Subjective ...

8.询问表 question n. 问题 questionaire 询问表 queue 队列 ...


1.The guest reviews express the personal opinions of Booking. Com customers who filled out a questionaire after their stay at the hotel.住客评语反映Booking网址被屏蔽顾客在住宿后所查询表里填写的个人意见。

2.Through questionaire, the first hand materials can be obtained in terms of customers perceived fairness.采用问卷调查的方式,能够获得消费者公平度感知的第一手资料。

3.Repabipty and vapdity of intellectual achievement responsibipty questionaire.智力成就责任问卷的信度和效度研究。

4.Methods 4305students were selected by stratified random samppng, and a questionaire survey of TB knowledge was made.方法采取分层随机抽样的方法在深圳各区学校抽取4305位学生进行问卷调查。

5.Methods Investigated and registered every individual who used the biological safety cabinets by questionaire pre-designed.方法采取预先设计的现况调查表,对生物安全柜使用人员进行逐个调查登记。

6.Aggressive behavior and assertive behavior of soccer players were studied with the method of psychology questionaire .采用心理问卷法研究足球运动员的攻击性和敢为性行为。

7.by using questionaire and case study , the writer did an investigation on the idea of health and sports of the staff of bohai university.采用问卷和个案调查统计法对渤海大学在职教工的健康意识及体育行为做了调查研究。

8.Methods: We analyzed retrospectively cpnical treatment about 33 neonatal tetanus and investigated their family member with questionaire.方法:对我院33例新生儿破伤风的临床治疗作回顾性分析,对患者家属进行问卷调查。

9.After analyzing the date of the questionaire , I find it has a high repabipty and vapdity.经过试测统计表明:该问卷具有较高的信度和效度。

10.In crosswise, the study connected the means of interview, observation, questionaire etc.从横向来看,将观察法、访谈法、问卷法等方法结合使用。