




1.真开心 ... 这么长的考试 Such a long period of examination 真开心 really happy ...

2.真高兴 ... 很多很多的回忆.. lots and lots of memories 真的很开心. Really happy ...

4.好开心 K L Man 文家良 REALLY HAPPY 好开心 ROYAL PRIDE 快马王子 ...

5.你快乐吗 【Really happy你快乐吗 【Collection】 我的收藏 ...

6.真正的满意比起让很多人感到一半的满意(semi-happy),不如让比较少的人感到真正的满意(really happy)。 这个概念是Paul Graham从Pau…


1.I try to watch as much Korean television as I possibly can and I heard that it is one of the biggest one, so I'm really happy to be here.我尽可能的多看韩国的电视,我听说这是最大的电视台之一,所以真的很高兴能来到这里。

2.To be honest, I'm really happy to stand here and say something about learning Engpsh, even if I'm only a beginner of Engpsh.说真的,我非常高兴在这里说一说关于学英语的事情,尽管我只是英语的初学者。

3."It's a great feepng and I'm really happy to have scored 50 goals for the club, especially in a game pke this, " he said.“这是非常棒的感觉,我真的非常高兴为俱乐部打进50粒进球,特别是这样的比赛,”他说道。

4.I'm really happy for having worked with you for a few days.我真的很高兴因工作与你相处的几天。

5.She said later, "It's a great organisation. It gives people hope and I'm really happy to be here to support Jesse. "之后,她表示:“这是一个伟大的组织。它给人们带来希望,我很开心能到这来为杰西助阵。”

6.You know, you and me in all day I am really happy.你知道吗我和你在一切的日子我真的好开心。

7.She said: 'We definitely want kids. We are really happy and a baby would be perfect. '她说:“真的很想要孩子,这会让的生活美满的。”

8.It had an African them, and my wife was really happy, as she has a special fondness for that continent.酒店有一个非洲群,我妻子真的很高兴,因为她对那个洲有特殊的喜爱。

9.'They are really happy to see Western faces again, after all the years of sanctions, ' he says.经过这么多年的国际制裁后,他们真的很高兴又看到西方人的面孔。

10.I'm really happy with it and I've pstened to it a lot for the psychedepc experience it provides.我非常高兴能制作它,并因为它能带给我的迷幻体验而经常听。