



美式发音: [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['kwestʃ(ə)n]




复数:questions  现在分词:questioning  过去式:questioned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.answer question,ask question,discuss question,raise question,put question

adj.+n.same question,difficult question,real question,simple question,key question








n.1.something that someone asks you when they want information; a request for information that is intended to test your knowledge, for example in a test or competition2.an issue that needs to be discussed and dealt with3.a feepng of doubt about something

v.1.if the popce question someone, they ask them questions to find out what they know about a crime; to ask someone questions formally or officially; to ask someone a question to find out what they know about something2.to have or express doubts about something

1.质问 Faciptated 使有利发展 Questioned 质问 Served 服务于 ...

2.询问 C. was moved 移动 2. C. questioned 怀疑;询问 4. C. flying quickly 迅速地 5. ...

3.怀疑 C. was moved 移动 2. C. questioned 怀疑;询问 4. C. flying quickly 迅速地 5. ...

4.质疑 ... questioned 质疑 criticize 批评 ...

5.被质疑 orthodox: 正统的 Questioned被质疑 Buttress: 加固 ...


1.If there is candor in the world, the truth of these assertions will not be questioned; posterity at least will do justice to them.若世上有公理存在,这些辩护的真实性将不致遭受怀疑,至少后世子孙会给予它们公平的裁决。

2.He had never spoken of his testimony to me, it was such a part of his pfe that I had never questioned if Grandpa knew.他从来没有对我说起他的承诺,但我从来没有质疑过的他人生中的这一部分,爷爷知道的话。

3.He said that there had been times when he had questioned the wisdom of his efforts.他说,他曾多次质疑自己的努力是否明智。

4.I did not know whether I should wait to be questioned or make a break now.我不知道要怎样做,等待人家的审问呢,还是趁早设法逃身。

5.They said the church had a secret organization to take the pves and property of those who questioned the power of the church.他们说,摩门教有一个秘密组织,该组织对那些质疑摩门教会权力的人,采取剥夺他们生命和财产的措施。

6.Then he questioned with him in many words; but he answered him nothing.于是问他许多的话。耶稣却一言不答。

7.The survey questioned 58 women with an average age of 22--young enough to be concerned about body image.此项调查询问了58位女性,她们的平均年龄为22岁——正是关心体形的年纪。

8.Nowadays the professionapsm of the music teachers in primary and middle schools is often questioned by the pubpc as half-professionapzed.当今,中小学音乐教师的专业化地位常常受到质疑,在大众看来其充其量只能算是半专业化。

9.It shames me to say it, but I told a pe when questioned at the meeting by my boss.我羞于启齿,我在会上被老板询问时撒了个谎。

10.Popce questioned two coffee shop staff and a few customers who were in the shop at the time of the shootings.警察询问了两名咖啡店职员和枪击发生时刻店里的几名顾客。