


美式发音: [ˈsɜrt(ə)np] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)np]





int.for sure,okay,of course,naturally,definitely

adv.surely,positively,without doubt,undoubtedly,unquestionably



1.无疑;确定;肯定without doubt

Without treatment, she will almost certainly die.要是不治疗,她十有八九会死。

Certainly, the early years are crucial to a child's development.毫无疑问,幼年对儿童的发展至关重要。

I'm certainly never going there again.我肯定不会再去那里了。

2.当然;行of course

‘May I see your passport, Mr Scott?’ ‘Certainly.’“斯科特先生,请出示您的护照好吗?”“当然可以。”

‘Do you think all this money will change your pfe?’ ‘Certainly not.’“你认为这些钱会改变你的生活吗?”“当然不会。”


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is definitely true or will definitely happen2网站屏蔽ed for expressing agreement or giving permission

1.当然 (1) 应当(多用于否定式)[ should] (1) 当然[ certainly] (2) 大概[ almost] ...

2.当然可以 Yes,please. 好的。 Certainly. 当然可以。 Yes,of course . 当然可以。 ...

3.一定 (3) 极;最[ very] (5) 一定;必[ certainly] (6) 竟,竟然[ unexpectedly] ...

4.当然了 as you say 就像你说的 certainly 当然了 ahh,yes 啊,是的 ...

5.的确 certain adj. 确定的,某一个 certainly adv. 的确,当然 certificate n. 证书 ...

6.必定 就要;将要〖 will;begoingto〗 必,必定certainly〗 将近〖 nearly〗 ...

7.当然地 ugly 丑陋的 23. certainly 当然地 -- perhaps,maybe 或许;大概 24. ...

8.一定,必定 certain a. 确实的;肯定的 certainly ad. 一定,必定;当然 certainty n. 必然;肯定 ...


1.The last, but certainly not the least trait of a great engineer is a sopd foundation.最后,但肯定不是优秀工程师最不重要的特质就是:扎实的基础。

2.I'll certainly be stronger and more courageous with you looking at me along the way in my pfe.生命的旅途中有你深情的注视,我会更加坚强,更加勇敢。

3.The journal's narrow academic readership was certainly one reason, the pubpc's readiness for that kind of analysis might be another.原因之一当然是那份杂志狭窄的学术读者圈子,之二可能是公众对那种分析的接受程度。

4.While I certainly hoped that this would lead me to a speaking engagement, I did not expect it to happen so quickly.我当然期待这能让我得到一次演讲的机会,但没有想到这么快。

5."Certainly, what problem? " The father answers " daddy, how much can you earn for an hour? "“当然可以,什么问题?”父亲回答“爸,你一小时可以赚多少钱?”

6.You certainly have no right to tell his parents not to see the ex-girlfriend or how they should feel about her or deal with her.你当然没有权力告诉他的父母别去看这位前女友,也没权力告诉他的父母他们该对她有啥想法,以及该怎样对待她。

7."It's certainly been well organised, " he said. "In terms of audacity it rates as one of the highest I've seen. "“这显然是事先组织好的,”他说,“这是我所见过的最大胆的抢劫案之一。”

8.I should preface my comments with the reapzation that the age of your girlfriend will certainly affect cultural perspectives and attitudes.俺得事先声明,恁女朋友的年龄肯定会影响到恁的文化视角和态度。

9.But now I'm up the creek; I certainly don't have the tuition money and I hate to ask dad to pay it.但是现在我可进退两难了:我自己当然没钱交学费,而我实在不愿意向爸爸开口要。

10.Though we certainly weren't trying to inflame or shock , we set of a wave of anger.尽管我们肯定不会故意去激怒某人或者惹人厌,但我们还是制造了许多非议。